Memorial Day Weekend

I shared this picture on Facebook yesterday and have been thinking about a blog post I would write in conjunction with the picture:

I went to Washington DC one Memorial Day weekend with my Parents and two of my brothers when I was about seven years old, I think. Back then, I didn’t understand the magnitude of the holiday, especially for my Dad as a Vietnam veteran. Now, as an adult, I have much more of an understanding after extensive reading and watching documentaries and movies.

I remember going to the Wall with my Parents and my brothers. I didn’t fully understand what was going on. I remember that there were a lot of people there and my Dad had a serious look on his face. In fact, that was the only time I saw my Dad cry in my life. When I say that I, “Saw him cry,” I mean that I saw my Dad put his thumb and index finger under his glasses and over his eyes. He held his fingers there for a while and the only reason I could deduce that he was crying was because his fingers were wet.

I also remember my Parents consulting the large book at the beginning of the Wall. Apparently, my Dad was looking for a specific name to no avail. When he gave up his search, he and one of my brothers and I went somewhere else. My Mom stayed there with one of my brothers to continue their search. I think my Dad, my brother, and me hung out at some other monument. After some time, I remember my Mom and my brother returning to my Dad, my brother, and me. My Mom handed my Dad a piece of paper with a tubbing of the name.

I vaguely remember my Parents talking and my Dad taking the paper and walking away. I remember my Dad walking away with his head down and looking at the paper. It was kind of a, “Forrest Gump” walkway to me.

My Mom took a picture of him walking away and I remember seeing that picture years ago. I asked my Mom about that today and she remembers it. She no longer remembers the name of the man and thinks the rubbing may be in her Bible but she’s said that she remembers the story. I asked her to tell me and she just gave her head the slightest of shakes with a serious look on her face. I can totally respect that I didn’t ask any further questions.

I am thinking about and missing my Dad a lot today! Maybe I will see that picture again one day. If not, I still remember it with the utmost reverence.