“Be a Man”

So, I awakened this morning and heard my Mom outside with Leia so I grabbed my phone and started absentmindedly scrolling through Facebook. I saw this post and it made me catch my breath and I shared it.

I am immunocompromised and I kind of liked seeing it. With everything going on with COVID-19, it has made people take me into consideration more because I am immunocompromised. My Mom has been holed up in my house with me for three months and I really can’t see an end to it.

Thinking about that was too heavy for me first thing in the morning so I continued to scroll and then I saw this one:

Seeing this mug made me chuckle and I added the words, “If my Daddy was still here!!!” and shared it. My Dad used to tell me to, “Grab my guts,” and to, “ Suck it up and be a man about it“ to which I would always reply that I am NOT a man! He would then tell me that it didn’t matter.

It’s only recently that I i’m starting to understand what he meant. In so much of my immunocompromised life, I have to, “Be a man about” and I’m grateful that my Dad taught me that from when I was very young. Even though I didn’t pay attention to that back then because I never thought I would have to,”Be a man” about anything, but I actually do and I hear my Dad’s voice often when faced with something difficult… EVERYTHING is difficult nowadays!

if I had the money, I would buy this mug because mugs are my thing but it reminds me of my dad telling me to, “Be a man” and now I have to every moment of my life!