45 Minutes

I watched an ad a couple years ago that explained that an adult should read 45 minutes a day and therefore, read most books in one week. I really liked seeing this late in the night before I went to sleep. That’s why I started last year to avidly read because I was no longer working.

I had a goal of reading a certain number of books last year but because of the power outage in late May and my subsequent displacement, I was unable to reach that goal. After the power outage and displacement of a week, I could not focus on the pages in front of me to be able to read.

It really frustrated me but I realized that that was something new that was happening to me. Reading proved to put a lot of strain on my occipital lobe. I saw green, “Leopard print” on the pages which made it impossible to read.

it hurt me most greatly that this was happening. Reading has always been my love! I restarted my goal of daily reading for 45 minutes each day with the hopes of reading my goal number of books. I started a book on January 1

I had started reading it last year but when the power outage happened, I had to abandoned all of my unfinished books. So, this year, I told myself I was going to read this book! I restarted it on January 1 and expected to be finished well before today. Sadly, I am STILL NOT completed! The reason for this is that although I tried to read every day, some days I could only read for 10 minutes before the ”Leopard print” that I saw forced me to stop.

it will take me a lot of time because I am not yet halfway finished. But, today, for the first time since last May, I was able to read for a full 45 minutes! That made me feel really good! I hope I can keep it up but either way, I wanted to crackle that today I did just that! It’s all about simple pleasures, man!