March 2020 Faves

I am currently on season three, episode two of The Last Kingdom On Netflix. It was suggested to me by my brother, Dave. It’s about Vikings in 800s A.D. it’s pretty brutal but I loved the first two seasons! My brother told me that the third season is a nailbiter until the end but I needed to take a break because of the events happening in season three, episode two. As I am watching the show, I am reminded of is song that a friend shared with me during my first year teaching. I hear it playing in my head as soldiers it going into battle:

I’ve heard it playing in my head so many times and I’m a little nervous for the end of the show but I still have 6 1/2 episodes to go. I just needed a breather for a moment.

I am hard-core binging this show and can’t have other songs playing in my head at all until the show is finished. I think it’s crazy that it was in 2005 when I was first told about the song and I bought the CD that has it, but I hear it the entire time watching that show!