Tune #60 Inspired by GMFB

Just an update: I have worn my GMFB shirt twice since the debacle with the bleach! Go figure, the stain did NOT wash out!

I was really excited that the table came back from vacay but I was not wearing my shirt. I absolutely love this show! I heard random song soundbites that both Kyle and Nate made. I thought I would choose a different Tune #60 Inspied by GMFB. But then, Melissa Etheridge was on for two segments!

Now, I cannot get out of my mind seeing and hearing Peter Schrager belt out, “I’m the Only One”! It was golden! As I was thinking about writing this post, I thought about a former colleague. He played guitar and he brought it in and played some songs after school in my classroom. I told him that I wish I played the guitar and I told him how much I really wanted to play and wished I could because I would be able to play and belt out a song.

He asked me what song I would sing and I told him without hesitation that I would sing a Melissa Etheridge song because I love the emotion she put into her songs S she belted it out!

well, as things have worked out, I do NOT play the guitar and I no longer am able to sing. ##MSsucks! But I surely watched this video a number of times to make this my Tune #60 Inspired by GMFB: