For the Birds

This morning, as I waited for my mom to come over to help me and burn, I put my U2 playlist on shuffle. This is the song that I heard:

A flood of memories in an instant came rushing to my mind. The album came out during my first few years of teaching. I was semi-able-bodied back then. The most vivid memory is of a comedy show that we saw at the Fox theater. I had decided to be in my wheelchair because there was a long line wrapped around the building. We took our places at the end of the line and I will never forget a young man came up to me and asked me if I was going to the show.

I nodded and he motioned for me to follow him. I looked at the rest of my group and we all followed. He took us past the front of the line and to better seats than we had bought tickets for. I looked at my friend unsure of what was happening and I looked at the guys we went with and told them that, “I guess this walking stuff is for the birds.“

One of the guys clarified and told me that it actually isn’t but we got really good seats and another guy in my group brought me a beer. We heard this song on our way to a bar. It seems like a lifetime ago!