For Emergency Purposes Only!

My Mom took me to get my eyebrows waxed and my haircut today. I talked with Christina and let her know that I hadn’t been out of my house since the last time I got my my eyebrows waxed and my hair cut last month. She was surprised to hear that but I told her that wheels and snow don’t mix and I don’t mix with cold. She listened to me with a sober look on her face and I think it made a little bit more sense to her.

As we left the salon, on our drive back to my house, we saw a drive-through Girl Scout cookie booth. Well, OF COURSE we had to stop! This is what they gave me:

We arrived to my house just as Sean was coming home from work. He brought my motorized chair out and he saw the box of cookies on my lap. It wasn’t until he looked inside the box that he realized I bought him three boxes of Samoas and I bought myself three boxes of Thin Mints.

my mom took a box of Samoas with her but I don’t feel well enough to eat a sleeve today so I put my boxes in the freezer. I let myself know that they are FOR EMERGENCY PURPOSES ONLY!