Hawkmoon 269

I stayed in my bed when Sean left for school this morning. He was running late and I did not sleep so well. I knew that my Mom was coming very shortly so I rolled onto my stomach (thanks Michael Rhoades!) and played, “Kite” that I posted yesterday. I clicked on a mix I guess because the second song I heard was:

I was immediately taken back to my first year teaching, when we used to have to administer the MEAP. (that really dates me!). I’m sure that I still have my, “Road Runner” poster that I made with the speech bubble, “MEAP, MEAP!” A friend and former colleague made a bunch of teachers a mixed CD to get us through administering the aMEAP. He is a fellow U2 lover and he was in the group I went to the U2 concert with.

My Mom doesn’t really like that song because she said it is very, “Yell-y.” Well, it is but I absolutely love it still! As I laid in my bed and waited for my Mom to get here, I thought of my first year teaching and my heart was warmed from all of the teachers I taught with!