Dr. Meizels?

Tonight, I used some of that 2% I feel okay to go with Sean to get our teeth cleaned. How things worked out today was that Sean got his teeth cleaned but I had to reschedule my appointment for January.

As I waited in the waiting room, I texted with my brothers. We are on a group chat and one of my brothers was sending pictures of his vacation. He sent a picture of his view. What has happened is that my other brothers and I will send pictures to the group chat of our view. My brother sent a picture of a beautiful sunset. I sent them all this picture:

I asked the question to the group of who knows where I am at? And my brothers knew where was. Sean and I still go to the dentist I went to when I was a child. I’ve been going there for about 30 years and I had my braces through that office as well. Dr. Meizels was our orthodontist. I let them know that I was listening to soft rock as I waited for Sean. That music will ALWAYS remind me of the dentist! Here is a sampling of some of the music I listened to until Sean finished: