October 2019 Faves

Last week, Sean was making himself a sandwich or something and we both were in the kitchen and he has access to all of my music on our Apple Music account and he told me that when he was growing up, remembers that, “[You] listened to some good music! Black Crowes?! That’s really good!” I kind of laughed and thought about my Black Crowes CD that I played on loop for months. (Back when I could still drive) He must’ve been about six or seven?

Surprisingly, the Shake Your Money Maker album is NOT downloaded on my Apple Music; so, I downloaded that and I have been listening to it and remembering our second apartment. That IS a really good album! I’m completely immersed!

I tried jamming out to Struttin’ Blues because I was by myself so there was no one to hear. I couldn’t do it and I started to cry so then I just started listening to the more mellow tunes.

Then I listened to this song which makes me cry for an entirely different reason!