Tune #28 Inspired by GMFB

Late in the show on GMFB today, Peter Schrager talked about Garner Minshew. He is the starting quarterback for the Jacksonville jaguars. He became the starting quarterback after the first quarter of the week one game against the Kansas City Chiefs. Nick Foles injured his clavicle. They say he is going to be out for eight weeks. Garner Minshew just got the win over the Denver Broncos on Sunday.

I asked Sean if he knew what Garner Minshew looked like after that first week. He didn’t know so I texted him these pictures that the breakfast table shared on TV.:

I told Sean that he is a character and Sean laughed!

The whole breakfast table wore mustaches like his during a segment about him couple weeks ago.

Then, they showed a picture of Garner with uncle Rico from Napoleon Dynamite.

It made me laugh to see that picture because that movie made me laugh a whole lot!

Today, Peter was speaking and he said that he wasn’t going to talk about the fact that Garner is a, “Cult of Personality.” He wanted to talk more about the win but my mind went completely to this song:

I immediately was a six year old, little kid once I searched for the video on YouTube. Again, I thought of my two oldest brothers! Most especially, my second oldest brother, Steve.