Almost Forgotten Tune #53

It was 3:22 am this morning when I opened my eyes. MS has deprive me of so much sleep! Because it took a while for me to fall back to sleep, I checked my Facebook alerts. Another person reacted to a song I posted a few days ago that ended up in my YouTube feed. When I saw that, I was immediately taken back to my time as an undergrad:


My Mom had to wash my hair this morning because, well, “Sometimes it bees like that” and MS ain’t no joke! I closed my eyes as my Mom combed shampoo through my hair with her fingers. She began to talk about my Dad. She was not talking about my Dad as my Dad but my Dad as a high school student on retreat with her. For some reason this song came into her head and she wasn’t sure of who sang it. I let her know that it was Otis Redding:

My Mom told me that my Dad really liked this song and it was one of his favorites. I asked her why he liked it and she said that he said that, “It was easy. It was peaceful,” I told her that Sara Bareilles had a cover of this song:

I couldn’t see her face as she scrubbed my scalp but I could hear in her voice that she was NOT here with me in 2019 but somewhere back in time and on retreat probably in 1969 with my Dad.

I vaguely remember hearing my Dad say something about, “The ‘Frisco Bay” in conversation when we were driving when I was about eight or nine. I told my Mom that I tell everyone about my favorite ANYTHING. When she was finished pulling the soap suds out of my hair and was going to rinse it, I raised both open hands over my head and yelled,

“Daddy! I could use a little, “peaceful” right about now!“ with my head and eyes slightly tilted toward the ceiling because I REALLY could use some of that right now and I knew to ask my Dad to intervene on my behalf to God because I am CERTAIN that is where he is now!

Well, it IS Football Season!

Yesterday, my Mom let me know that my Dad was NOT a football fan. I was bummed yesterday because Michigan lost. I already knew that my Dad wasn’t a fan because I didn’t grow up watching much football. But then Sean started playing Pop Warner. Then she added, “But with you…” I kind of started to laugh but then she started enumerating days which made me laugh even more!

She told me that, “There is Monday, Thursday, all weekend, GMFB for three hours every weekday. I had laugh because I told her yesterday that Saturday is for college football and Sunday is for professional football unless it is wildcard weekend in the NFL.

I thought it was over and it still made me smile until she came back a little while later with, “Then there are the documentaries…” amidst my laughter my response was simple. Well, it IS football season.

My Mom told me that she, “Hates it all! The screaming, the yelling, the cheering…”. What can I say, I AM a football fan! I was somewhat of one in high school because I dated the quarterback but when Sean started playing when he was seven, I HAD to get an example of how the game was supposed to be played because these little kids just bumped into each other for the whole game.

He played for the Dearborn Lions so that is when I started watching the Detroit Lions as an adult. I have never known a Lions team without Matthew Stafford. I was very grateful that they won today because I was really bummed that Michigan lost yesterday.

Tootsie Pops

I have seen that Owl Tootsie Pop commercial three times today.

Each time I hear the little boy talking to the owl, I think of my time teaching. I introduced Tootsie Pops to my kids whenever we watched movies. I would tell/demonstrate for them to, “Take the wrapper off of the sucker, throw the wrapper out, put this sucker in your mouth, and then close your mouth” as a way to get them to NOT talk during the movie.

That ended up being my thing. I gave my kids Tootsie Pops all of the time for probably 11 of the years of the 12 that I taught. I would purchase the 100 count boxes from GFS:

I used to let my kids pick the flavor they wanted and I ended up having a bunch of leftover brown ones at the end of the school year. I think I still may have a bag of the leftovers in my cupboard 2 1/2 years since I have stopped teaching!

The last year of my MS Awareness Week fundraising, I added in an #MSsucks sucker sale for $.25. The purpose of my MS Awareness T-shirt sales and the sucker sale was not so much to raise money but rather to raise awareness. I really had a lot of fun the years I was allowed to have the fundraiser! I will probably re-post those posts on Facebook, at least the sucker sale one! I was only able to have the sale once.

Good Music and a Serene Pic

I couldn’t figure out why I didn’t feel well yesterday night. I just felt off. It was a nagging feeling and I couldn’t figure it out. I went to bed and in my YouTube feed, this song popped up. The ABSOLUTE BEST cover recorded!:

I woke up this morning and checked my phone, of course I felt off last night! Yesterday was three years to the day since the last time I worked out at Barwis Methods. Three years ago today, I was injured. My meniscus is torn. It would be another nine months before I had surgery to repair it. I am still dealing with constant pain and my knee popped out twice yesterday upon transfer. I absentmindedly scrolled through Facebook just before my Mom got here to help get me out of bed and I saw this picture:

The cliffs of Moher. How beautiful?! I swear I will get to Ireland before the end of my life!

So, I don’t feel well today. I’m pretty bummed but good music and a serene pic can do wonders for me! Michigan lost today but when I turned the TV back on, Forever in My Heart was on again. I HAD to watch it for the fourth time to hear the Irish accents and see the greenery. I really need to get there before a die!

Tune #27 Inspired by GMFB

I can’t even remember what they were talking about. I think it was something about Gardner Minshew’s performance last night on Thursday Night Football but just as they were going to go to commercial, Peter Schrager said, “Savage Garden.” Kay Adams added, “Truly. Madly. Deeply.”

I tweeted them and let them know then I am back in high school. I even embedded a picture:

The picture is 20 years old and my hair is at least 14 inches shorter now. My high school was extremely small. My graduating class was 46 students and there were two hallways and a basement in the building. The above picture was taken in one of the science rooms that were adjacent to the cafeteria in the basement.

I thought of being in the high school because I was when this song came out. I really liked it and I bought the CD single for a few dollars. I bought it from Musicland (Before it was Sam Goody). I took it to school and left it on the floor in front of my locker. It was on the floor for the entire first hour. There is a soundtrack in my head now when I think of my time in those hallways 20 years ago.

That’s the first floor of my high school. The second floor looks exactly the same. I left the CD on the second floor in front of my locker on the left side of the hall before the first classroom on the left in the picture.

Tune #25 and #26 Inspired by GMFB

I got up and out of my bed after gym if you had started. I turn the TV on but was still very much out of it until I heard Kyle Brandt. He said one lyric and I don’t even know what they were talking about but I tweeted him anyway:

Needless to say, this song has been in my head all day long!:

He talked about Limp Bizkit because Fred Durst is from Jacksonville for “Throwdown Thursday.” I actually am not sure who is the bigger 90s I can. Lisa turtle from savor the bell or Fred Durst from Limp Bizkit. Peter gave a good argument about her dance, “The Sprain”:

Kyle talked about the song, “Rollin‘.” I did on the album, ”Chocolate Starfish and Hotdog Flavored Water but that song was not one of my favorites. I preferred:

Either way, I had to look up Limp Bizkit songs from the 90s and this song was in my head and I thought of my wall mate, Marissa, at Western.

How to Get There?!

In May of 2000, my Mom and I had booked our trip to Ireland. My Mom’s good friend is a flight attendant and she asked me one day in the car if I could go anywhere in the world for a graduation present, where would I want to go? I didn’t even hesitate to tell her that I wanted to go to Ireland. The trip was scheduled for days after my high school graduation with one of my good friends, my Mom, and her friend. My friend and I went shopping and we had received our passports already. We were all set for just after my high school graduation.

My Dad was so sick and my graduation. He ended up needing open heart surgery the day after I graduated. For me, there was no question! I would postpone my trip! He was so apologetic to me as I met him in the room pre-surgery. I told him that Ireland has been there for thousands of years and I will be there for thousands more but he was more important! I told him that I would get there one day.

I haven’t been there yet and my passport has since expired. There is a new Hallmark movie that set in Ireland complete with Irish accents, the green scenery, and the castles! 😍😍😍 This movie is on right now and this is the third time I have sing it. I swear I was Irish in my past life! That’s why my son’s name is Sean!

I recently saw the mishandling of A motorized wheelchair on a commercial airplane on Facebook. I shared the video and cry every rime i see it! Watching this movie, I knew it to find a way to get there! I searched other videos that Talked about being in a wheelchair and getting on an airplane. That video made me cry as well!

The woman who posted the Facebook post originally tagged all of the major airlines and said that something needs to be done. I definitely would appreciate something mean done! I want to get to Ireland. I have to get to Ireland. I was hoping to get there sometime this summer, I looked at it as a trip deferred for 20 years. I think it will have to wait a little while longer because when I watch the person getting onto the plane, I cried at how difficult it was!

I recently saw an interview on the Daily Show about the young Swedish girl who came to New York in a boat. Maybe I will have to look at something like that then. As I hear the Irish accents right now, I have to get there! U2 is my favorite band! The only question left is a pretty big question but, how to get there?!

The Inspector

Today, one of the, “Nick” slices of bread for the Scott sandwich came back over for K&B to make some adjustments on the control panel in my basement for my generator. Everything is good now and it should pass re-inspection.

My Mom let Nick know that the inspector can’t come tomorrow because no one will be home because I have a Neurology appointment. He told her to call the office and let them know. I think she spoke with someone named Kyle. I asked her to call because my voice and speech is still wonky. I will discuss this fact with my Beurologist tomorrow and I need a new prescription for compression socks as well.

I’m thinking that the inspector will be back on Thursday which is my FAVORITE day of the week and he DID tell my Mom last time that, “[I] was beautiful!” Who could tire of that?! ☺️☺️☺️

A “Like a Butterfly” Update:

This morning, when my Mom got me out of bed, I realized that I do NOT grunt and groan when I wake up. That’s probably because I am SO groggy!

This is me in the morning, remember?!:

I always turn on the TV on to GMFB immediately when I get into the living room. I think it is listening to the breakfast table talk about something I love that gradually helps me to wake up. This morning, my Mom was in the bathroom curling her hair and she was talking to me by yelling something so I could hear her. Given her volume, it was POSSIBLE for me to hear her but given that it was so early, I wasn’t hearing her at all!

She asked me something and then stepped out of the bathroom to get my answer. Because I had just awakened, I looked exactly like that little girl and she started to laugh. She asked me if I heard anything she said and then looked at that table beside me and saw that I had not even touched my Kiefer yet.

Hearing and seeing her laugh at my grogginess amused me but my face did not change. On a good day, it takes about three hours for me to completely get with it. This morning, however, was NOT a good day. It took longer for me to get ready today.