Well, it IS Football Season!

Yesterday, my Mom let me know that my Dad was NOT a football fan. I was bummed yesterday because Michigan lost. I already knew that my Dad wasn’t a fan because I didn’t grow up watching much football. But then Sean started playing Pop Warner. Then she added, “But with you…” I kind of started to laugh but then she started enumerating days which made me laugh even more!

She told me that, “There is Monday, Thursday, all weekend, GMFB for three hours every weekday. I had laugh because I told her yesterday that Saturday is for college football and Sunday is for professional football unless it is wildcard weekend in the NFL.

I thought it was over and it still made me smile until she came back a little while later with, “Then there are the documentaries…” amidst my laughter my response was simple. Well, it IS football season.

My Mom told me that she, “Hates it all! The screaming, the yelling, the cheering…”. What can I say, I AM a football fan! I was somewhat of one in high school because I dated the quarterback but when Sean started playing when he was seven, I HAD to get an example of how the game was supposed to be played because these little kids just bumped into each other for the whole game.

He played for the Dearborn Lions so that is when I started watching the Detroit Lions as an adult. I have never known a Lions team without Matthew Stafford. I was very grateful that they won today because I was really bummed that Michigan lost yesterday.