Tune #27 Inspired by GMFB

I can’t even remember what they were talking about. I think it was something about Gardner Minshew’s performance last night on Thursday Night Football but just as they were going to go to commercial, Peter Schrager said, “Savage Garden.” Kay Adams added, “Truly. Madly. Deeply.”

I tweeted them and let them know then I am back in high school. I even embedded a picture:

The picture is 20 years old and my hair is at least 14 inches shorter now. My high school was extremely small. My graduating class was 46 students and there were two hallways and a basement in the building. The above picture was taken in one of the science rooms that were adjacent to the cafeteria in the basement.

I thought of being in the high school because I was when this song came out. I really liked it and I bought the CD single for a few dollars. I bought it from Musicland (Before it was Sam Goody). I took it to school and left it on the floor in front of my locker. It was on the floor for the entire first hour. There is a soundtrack in my head now when I think of my time in those hallways 20 years ago.

That’s the first floor of my high school. The second floor looks exactly the same. I left the CD on the second floor in front of my locker on the left side of the hall before the first classroom on the left in the picture.