Leveled Up… AGAIN

I have realized that I haven’t been feeling very well for a while now but even when my body or my knee is is really in pain or I am having difficulty speaking, my, “Fuddy-putty” has really been helping me. I have a leveled up AGAIN today.

That really makes me feel good!

I have gotten past the extra, extra soft:

It took me 10 days to get better at that one but my friend told me that eventually it will become easy and at first I didn’t believe her but then it did. Then it was time to move on to the extra soft:

The orange one took me 12 days to get used to and become easy and today, I leveled up again! Now it’s on to soft!:

This one is a bit more difficult for me It really IS therapy putty because I can watch TV and mindlessly pass it from hand to hand. Working with the green one, I can feel it in my forearms. At first, with the teal one, it felt like a sharp burning pain in my wrists and with the orange one, It started moving to my forearms but with the green one, it is for sure in my forearms!

It feels good to level up! It’s nice that I can feel accomplished regarding something that is physical. Brushing my teeth has become easier because I can actually control the toothbrush. Sean told me that I will be, “Ripping phonebooks in no time!“ Maybe. But I feel that my leveling up has caused me to move from the Jefferson’s theme song to Jennifer Hudson singing the Jefferson’s theme song even though I STILL live in a house on the WEST side of my city. Her version is just so much more sassy!: