
My Mom drove my nephew to college today. I am not thinking about the fact that she drove him to Michigan State University. I saw my niece’s beautiful apartment the other day on Facebook and don’t even want to think about it being at Michigan State University as well!

I couldn’t help but think about when my Parents drove me to college almost 20 years ago! Two of my brothers also came with us to unload all of my things. When they left, and it was just my parents and me, I started to get nervous. I was uncertain, intimidated, and scared… actually, I was terrified! I had no idea what to do but in that moment when I heard the elevator ding as my Parents were leaving my floor, it really hit me! I was completely alone and on the other side of the state!

My Mom just recently told me what they said to each other on the elevator ride down and on their way back to their house. My Mom told my Dad that I was afraid and I had no idea what to do. My Dad assured my Mom that I would figure it out. He told her that he didn’t know what to do when he first landed in Vietnam but he figured it out. He figured it out enough to come home and eventually be my Dad!

I thought about the terror I felt then all day today and remembered playing my music very quietly so as not to disturb anyone. I think it was almost 2 weeks before I heard someone else’s music down the hall from me so I realized it was OK to play my music at the level I wanted it. I was listening to the new Third Eye Blind CD back then. I have written about this song before but I can’t stop thinking about it today:

I also thought about that night when I got hungry and truly realized my expensive and new found freedom for the first time! Cue Guns N’ Roses that I heard when I was on E. Pond Dr.;