
I have a couple of blog posts rolling around in my head right now. I’m just trying to get them fully developed. I know that I have an old picture of Sean, (he was probably about two years old) in the end table by the door in my living room.

I decided to look for that picture for one of the blog posts I plan on writing. Instead, I found this picture:

Because I was not expecting to find this picture, it stopped me in my tracks! I gasped! I stared at the picture for a very long time! I know that this picture was taken almost 20 years ago but my hair is almost the same. I don’t know where my NHS stole or my honor cords are; they probably are at my Mom’s somewhere. But the longer I stare at this picture, I began to cry!

Also, because I have begun to think about Sean‘s graduation and planning his graduation party for next year, I think about how wonderful it would be for my Dad to look at him like he was looking at me in this picture!

Seeing this picture really stunned me and caused the gasp so I think it will take a little bit of time to get over! I hope that I can write another blog post for today but we will see…

Chaos Method

I seem to be living my life focusing on fond memories from my recent past these days. Today, it was a dental implant commercial that sparked this memory. A woman spoke highly of her dental implants and how when she wore dentures, she couldn’t eat corn on the cob. I have NOT eaten corn on the cob in a very long time! In fact, I’m not sure that I am still able to eat corn on the cob.

I really haven’t eaten corn at all for a few years now. Hearing her talk about eating corn on the cob made me think of eating corn on the cob, my Mom, and Sean. I have always eaten corn off the cob in horizontal rows. My Mom, however, eats corn off the cob in vertical rows. I remember thinking that was really weird when I saw her half-eaten corn on the cob

When Sean started eating corn, probably about 18 months, I used to cut the corn kernels off of the cob for him to eat. The summer he was 2, almost 3, he wanted to try to eat and off the cob like the rest of us (my Parents and me). I cut the corn cob in half and showed him what to do by biting the kernel off of the cob.

I showed him eating the kernels of the cob horizontally and my Mom used to eat the corn off the cob vertically but Sean chose a completely different way to eat the corn off the cob!

It wasn’t until a friend of mine said something about it that I noticed that Sean ate the corn off the cob by just randomly taking bites off of the cab. There was no rhyme or reason, or any order to how he was biting the corn.

When this was brought to my attention, I thought it was absolutely adorable because you could see his little tiny bites (just two or three kernels at a time) being bitten off the of the cob. This friend told me that Sean used the, “Chaos method” when eating his corn. I’m not sure how Sean eats his corn off the cob now but I really could go for some grilled corn on the cob right about now!

“The Breakfast People”

This morning, as I brushed and flossed my teeth, my Mom went into my room and asked me which shirt I wanted to wear. She rattled off a couple descriptions of T-shirts and then gave me a third option, “The breakfast people.”

I laughed because I knew she was talking about my GMFB shirt!

That was the shirt I wanted to wear! Duh?! I wear that shirt sometimes two or three times a week! It’s so comfortable! It’s getting really worn out but I preferred to think that it is really loved!

My Mom told me that they do not even eat breakfast so she doesn’t know why they are called, “The breakfast table.” I couldn’t even set the record straight because I knew she didn’t care. So that is the shirt I am wearing today! I can’t wait until the breakfast table or, “The breakfast people“ are back from vacation!

Ducky and Bunny

Yesterday, Sean had his annual physical. It is the last physical that I will accompany him to. He will be 18 by the time he has another one. Because we were already out of the house, we went and saw Toy Story 4. This is what he looked like when we saw Toy Story 3:

He looks a little bit different now but he wanted to see it as well! We went with my Mom last night. At first, I was a little bit skeptical about the storyline and what it could possibly be. I don’t want to be a spoiler but I have to tell you that it did NOT disappoint!!!

My new favorite characters are Ducky and Bunny!!!

I don’t want to give too much away but they are Carnaval toys. They are voiced by Keegan-Michael K and Jordan Peele:


My favorite part was hearing my, “2 Sacreds” (My Mom and Sean) laugh hysterically! That made me really happy to hear them being so entertained simultaneously as I was being equally entertained!

I have had a soft spot for, “Boudy” for the past 15 years, ever since his second Halloween where my friend Ami made him the BEST Woody costume possible! It made this scene even better!:

I appreciated that Sean a greed to go with me because he knows that I do NOT get out of the house very often! Two birds, one stone! I searched this morning to find out who voiced the two characters and I came across this which I will DEFINITELY be buying (after payday next month, of course!).

Simple pleasures, man!!!0