Chaos Method

I seem to be living my life focusing on fond memories from my recent past these days. Today, it was a dental implant commercial that sparked this memory. A woman spoke highly of her dental implants and how when she wore dentures, she couldn’t eat corn on the cob. I have NOT eaten corn on the cob in a very long time! In fact, I’m not sure that I am still able to eat corn on the cob.

I really haven’t eaten corn at all for a few years now. Hearing her talk about eating corn on the cob made me think of eating corn on the cob, my Mom, and Sean. I have always eaten corn off the cob in horizontal rows. My Mom, however, eats corn off the cob in vertical rows. I remember thinking that was really weird when I saw her half-eaten corn on the cob

When Sean started eating corn, probably about 18 months, I used to cut the corn kernels off of the cob for him to eat. The summer he was 2, almost 3, he wanted to try to eat and off the cob like the rest of us (my Parents and me). I cut the corn cob in half and showed him what to do by biting the kernel off of the cob.

I showed him eating the kernels of the cob horizontally and my Mom used to eat the corn off the cob vertically but Sean chose a completely different way to eat the corn off the cob!

It wasn’t until a friend of mine said something about it that I noticed that Sean ate the corn off the cob by just randomly taking bites off of the cab. There was no rhyme or reason, or any order to how he was biting the corn.

When this was brought to my attention, I thought it was absolutely adorable because you could see his little tiny bites (just two or three kernels at a time) being bitten off the of the cob. This friend told me that Sean used the, “Chaos method” when eating his corn. I’m not sure how Sean eats his corn off the cob now but I really could go for some grilled corn on the cob right about now!

One thought on “Chaos Method”

  1. Isn’t it amazing how the mind works to prompt you to think of seemingly random memories which are actually an important journey through life! It’s the little things that give you a grateful heart! This is a cute story, and of course, it made me think about how my kids eat their corn…very similar to the way you described about Sean’s chaos method! 🙂

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