“The Breakfast People”

This morning, as I brushed and flossed my teeth, my Mom went into my room and asked me which shirt I wanted to wear. She rattled off a couple descriptions of T-shirts and then gave me a third option, “The breakfast people.”

I laughed because I knew she was talking about my GMFB shirt!

That was the shirt I wanted to wear! Duh?! I wear that shirt sometimes two or three times a week! It’s so comfortable! It’s getting really worn out but I preferred to think that it is really loved!

My Mom told me that they do not even eat breakfast so she doesn’t know why they are called, “The breakfast table.” I couldn’t even set the record straight because I knew she didn’t care. So that is the shirt I am wearing today! I can’t wait until the breakfast table or, “The breakfast people“ are back from vacation!