REALLY?!… really?…

Last night, in the middle of the night, my phone fell off of my bed and onto the floor. I heard it kind of skid away from the bed. I went back to sleep because it was dark outside. It wasn’t until my knee popped out that I called Sean because it hurt. It was light outside and I felt kind of rested so I didn’t think it was too early. Surprisingly, he answered and came over to my room. I had him get my phone first and found out that it was 8:10 in the morning.

He was able to pop my knee back in and it gave me a loud, “Pop” and then he went back to sleep. Obviously, being awakened with my knee popping out of its socket hurts a whole lot and I didn’t fall back to sleep. I texted my Mom to tell her that I was awake and then I watched YouTube videos until she texted back. She texted me back at 9:17 and told me she was on her way soon. Just after I got that text, I felt my knee slip out again. REALLY?!… really? I can’t believe that my knee is STILL popping out! I wish I knew how to prevent it because then I would but my leg remained bent in that strange position until my Mom came to my house this morning. It didn’t feel good but it did not hurt as badly as it did when it popped out the first time this morning!

When she got here, it took her a little while but she was able to pop my knee back in. Needless to say, my knee ached especially more all day! It’s so frustrating that this STILL happens! The other day, I could not relax enough to fall asleep because I was nervous about my knee popping out. I can’t believe that I have to deal with this now!!!