
I had a memory of my Dad a few days ago and I so appreciated thinking about it! Parts of the memory were very vivid and caused me to sing the opening bars to the refrain of this song over and over again! It made my Mom kind of roll her eyes every time I started to sing it. This song could not just be sung, I HAD to belt it out!

The memory I had is of my Dad sitting in his chair in my parents’ living room and flipping through the channels with the remote control. I remember my Mom standing by the doorway to the dining room and I must’ve been sitting on the couch against the wall that the kitchen is on the other side.

I do not know what channel he was watching but it was just a clip of Linda Rodstadt singing, “You’re no good” to a men’s prison. She was wearing a long dress and the moment she started to sing the refrain, the men jumped to their feet and roared! The part of this memory that is most vivid in my mind is my Dad laughing!

I remember it being funny that she was singing, “You’re no good” to a crowd full of men in prison but the funniest thing about that memory was hearing my Dad’s laughter! My dad had a really good, hearty laugh but he rarely laughed. I love that memory so much because I can hear my Dad’s laughter! I haven’t heard that in SO long!

I thought I could easily find that video on YouTube but I coyldn’t. The closest thing I found was this one which is in a men’s prison but it’s not the same video because I remember her being on a stage that looked similar to my high school and the inmates were in folding chairs in a large room.

I’ve been missing my Dad a whole lot lately and I wish I could find that video from the late 80s or early 90s! Since I can’t, the memory of his laughter will have to suffice and it makes me smile!

One thought on “Laughter”

  1. Aw that is so sweet mija. Hang on to the memory of his laughter. I think of my brother often. Loved him so much.

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