Christmas Chronicles

Yesterday, I made a Christmas playlist on Apple Music of all my favorite Christmas songs. My Mom and I listened to it as she washhed my legs and put my tens unit on.  In  addition to all of my Christmas faves, I put Wham! on it four different times! I put it on shuffle and was surprised  and delighted each end every time it played!

My Mom has been telling me about a Christmas movie that she saw a Netflix for a few days now. She’s been telling me to watch it. Well, I watched it today. I absolutely loved it! It was called, Christmas Chronicles.

I know that I have written before that when I was 16, I worked at Fairlane mall in a sports apparel store that was called Superstars.   I remember one time, just before Christmas and after the mall was  decorated for Christmas, Santa had just arrived for pictures. I walked to the common area  where Santa was with Don (the manager’s nephew).   He worked there too and we were both on break.

It was the first year that Fairlane mall had a Santa Claus who  actually looked like an authentic Santa Claus. We were on the second floor and we walked to the glass ledge so I could get a better look. Before I even realized it, out yelled, “Santa!”  Santa looked up in my direction, right at me and slowly raised his hand to wave at me. I gasped and smiled  widely and waved back excitedly!

I’m sure that Don made fun of me for doing this but I was so excited that I couldn’t help myself! I didn’t even care because it was actually Santa! I felt like I was a little child and NOT 16 years old!

I don’t want to spoil the movie for anyone who sees it but I felt the EXACT same way watching this movie!  I’m pretty sure that I’m going to watch  it again, probably today but it was so nice to remember that excited feeling I had when seeing Santa when I was a teenager!

Sean and I were at Southland Mall a couple of years ago with my Mom. Sean and I had just taken our Christmas pictures and we were going to eat at Olga‘s Kitchen. Santa had just sat down and they were getting ready to start taking pictures. As Sean pushed me past him, I raised my hand and frantically waved as I yelled, “Santa!”

I’m not sure if it was just because I was in a wheelchair but he waved back at me and smiled which STILL made my day!