Vintage CCA Memories

This morning, my Mom helped me to make my garlic tea and ginger water because this heat ain’t no joke!  So as I sat at the table peeling garlic cloves and she scurried around boiling the water and juicing the lemons, my phone rang which was charging on my end table in the living room. I called out, “That’s probably for me!“ and I began to laugh.  I explained to my Mom that I used to tell my kids that whenever the phone in my classroom rang.

A flood of memories from the beginning years of my time at CCA rushed in and I recounted them for my Mom.   I told her that if I had forgotten to turn off my cell phone ringer that when it would ring, I would say in a loud whisper, “ i’m at work!” as I silenced the phone.  I sang her my, “Nameless” song that I would sing to my kids when they were passing back papers and a student handed me papers that did not have a name.

”I have (number of nameless papers) nameless!  I have (number of nameless papers) nameless!”   I laughed even harder and told her that when students who had not received the papers back would scrunch their brows at the papers that did not have a name trying to decide if it was theirs or not I would let them know that, “If You did it, you would know!” and “ if it’s that difficult for you to read, think of how it is for me?!”

I told my Mom about the first time I was called, “Mom”  by a student.  It was by a girl.   I was 24  and I laughed but when I looked up and saw that she was embarrassed. I told her that I had always wanted a daughter but I did not plan on having her when I was 12!   She didn’t look so embarrassed and we both laughed!

My Mom interrupted me  recounting these memories by telling me, “Look  at your face!”  I had on a broad smile!  It was really nice to be filled with pleasant memories after what happened to me and my knee yesterday.  I’ll probably write about that in a little while. It really was nice to have these vintage CCA memories right now!