
I’ve been tearful all day long! I can’t really figure out why. My body hurts, my knee hurts, it’s warm outside, so therefore I am holed up in my house where it’s cool. I’m watching Finding Forrester. 

Is free OnDemand. This is the third time I have watched it in two days. I have seen it 1 million times and that’s a trait that I have inherited from my Mother; I can watch the same movie over and over, (just like her) 1 million times and not get tired of seeing it if I like it. I like this one! It’s got Sean Connery in it so DUH!

My Sean doesn’t so much like that that is how he got his name. I didn’t choose it, it was a tossup between two names and he didn’t have a name and he was already three days old.  I was still in the hospital. When the nurse came in to ask me what his name was, I asked her and when I gave her the option of, “Sean,” she said, “Ooh, Sean Connery is so handsome!”

That’s how he got his name! But, thinking about it,  maybe I am so   tearful because I downloaded Solitaire on my phone not too long ago.  My Dad taught me how to play Solitaire.   He always used to play it while he laid on the floor in the living room in front of the TV. First, he taught me how to play Rummy  where we both would lay on our stomachs on the floor and balanceon our elbows to play.

My Dad would lay on the floor and play Solitaire a lot and sometimes I would see him starting to cheat after a long game and I would  jokingly ask him what he was doing. He would reply simply, “Cheatin’.”  I cannot, “cheat” like he used to on my phone because I am not laying on the floor with a deck of cards. Every time I click the, “New Game” button because I have lost, (MANY TIMES) I think of him telling me that he was, “Cheatin’.”

I think it is my mindless playing of Solitaire on my phone that helps me to NOT think about the pain in my knee and the pain in my body for a short time. When I lose however, there still remains a pain in my heart.

He would be 67 on Wednesday.  In August, it will be 12 years since he’s died. This Father’s Day will be my 11th fatherless  Father’s Day. I  miss him so much!!!