12.29.17 NO Ice & Stim.

Yesterday was my first appointment at ATI after my Tenex procedure. I worked with Greg and Dr. Moore wants me to work on my range of motion.   After healing from that procedure and it didn’t feel like a screwdriver was stabbed into my shin anymore  and my “shank hole” has scabbed up, my knee doesn’t hurt. It worked! I am not out of the woods yet by any means but at least I don’t have that  constant, gnawing, crippling pain in my knee.

It only took a little over 15 months!  In those months, I have gone through COUNTLESS bottles of pain reliever!  I think yesterday was the first day I finally realized that my knee was NOT in pain. It’s really tight which is more uncomfortable than painful.  Dr. Moore says that physical therapy will help with that but the pain with my meniscus and my tendinitis is finally gone. I hope!

I cautiously say that it is gone because I don’t want it to return because it was SO PAINFUL!   I think what made it even more painful was that my left knee was perfectly fine so I had a comparison as to what my knee SHOULD feel like. My right knee doesn’t feel normal yet but I’m excited that it is on the way to being so.

Now that I’m back at ATI, I passed Barwis  when we were leaving and saw the signs in the windows and my sadness and longing to go back there  renewed.   Hopefully, Dr. Moore will clear me to go back there on February 16th! Happy birthday  Marilyn and Phil! It will be happy for me if I am cleared to go back to Barwis! Given how my knee is starting to feel, I am hopeful that I will go back!

Greg really stretched my knee out yesterday and it wasn’t a painful stretch but I could feel that my knee was tight. When he was finished, he asked me if I wanted ice and stim. I looked at him for a moment and thought about it.  Previously, I looked forward to ice and stim each time I was at ATI both before my surgery and afterword.  I kind of shook my head with a questioning look on my face.   I told him that my knee doesn’t hurt and he said, ” OK then, no ice and stim.”

Is that really OK to NOT have it? I had been to ATI for so many months NEEDING that ice and stim. so it felt strange  to not need it.   As I got ready for bed last night, my knee felt stretched out but I will take that feeling over the pain of the last 15 months any day!

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