7.3.15 But First, I Have To Look At The Size

Friday, Nick wasn’t going to be at Barwis so I worked with Mike Morfitt.  I had seen him at Barwis working with Alex and I remember him laughing at my, “Ta-Da!”s with Mike Rhoades.  Meeting with him on Friday worked out for me and he came over and told me I was with him, I smiled and called him, “Lucky!”  He told me that first he needed to wash his hands and that he would be right back.  We went to by the blue table and he sat on a stool across from my chair.  He grabbed my right foot and was surprised at how tight my leg was.  He got off the stool and sat on the floor.  My legs slowly began loosening up.

We had easy mutual conversation.  He helped me on to the blue table and we did a different form of PNF’s as I laid on my back.  He told me where to push from (my butt and hamstring) and I pushed my leg all the way downward from pretty far up as he held my leg.  He told me to feel the burn and to keep pushing.  I grunted all the way through and he told me that his arm would hurt the next day just like my butt and hamstrings would.  I told him that somehow, I figured that I would be more sore than he would.  I don’t know how sore he was over the weekend, but I was PRETTY sore.

Mike interned at Barwis when Adam worked there and worked there when I worked with Mike  Rhoades and somehow the familiarity was comforting just like it is with Nick.  I told Mike about my initial progress with Jesse and Phil and how I have hit the “Pause” button as of late and he liked how that sounded and that made me feel that I will eventually get back there.  My left shoe had come off as I was getting stretched and my time was up and I was still laying on the table.  Mike told me that he was going to put my shoe back on and I agreed and then he said, “But first, I have to look at the size.”  That made me laugh!  He, Nick, and I have talked about how small my feet are before.  I told my Mom what he said as we drove to my house and I’ve laughed about that ALL weekend!