7.1.15 “Wacky Sock Wednesday” #21

i was pretty stressed out having to do with the punctuality of arriving to my appointment… Or lack there of.  I was late and I was stressed out!  Nick worked on my calves as I sat in my chair  as is our routine.  He helped me on to the table and Heather helped pull me all the way onto the table.  She came around beside my left leg and I told her that she chose wrongly again.  She told me that Nick didn’t give her a choice this time.  Nick began working on my right leg and it gradually began to loosen up.

All of the stretches that everyone does on me are extremely familiar to me.  They ALL (Jesse, Phil, Mike, and Nick) stretch me similarly.  A new way that Nick stretches me (maybe it seems vaguely familiar) is that he straightens my leg and then stretches it as cross my body.  I feel it on the outside of my quads and it feels really good!  I am grateful that Nick (and Heather) and I have fallen in to a familiar routine that benefits me.  My body feels SO relaxed whenever I leave Barwis.

Nick was finished with my right leg and laid it down flat on the table. Then it was Heather’s turn.  She adeptly completes all of the stretches that Nick does.  Heather has told me that she hasn’t worked on anyone else with MS.  I like that I can play a role in Heather putting her learning into action.  She applies all of her exercise science jumbo-jumbo on me… Even though she’s a Chip! 😉  I flipped over and we did some PNF stretches.  When my time was finished Nick pulled me to the end of the table and helped me back into my chair.  He pushed me out to my car and just before he put me in, I noticed that Nick was wearing gray/black/white camo socks. I got excited and he told me that it was “Wacky Sock Wednesday.”  I laughed because it was “Wacky Sock Wednesday” #21 and I told him of “Camo Wednesday” that was in place at Barwis before “Wavky Sock Wednesday” during my “Jeese Days.”    I snapped a pic of my socks when Heather was stretching my left leg.
