Smellcome to Manhood

I grew up in a house with my Dad and 4 older brothers.  All of their deodorant of choice back then  was Old Spice (Fresh scent).  My son is a three sport kid (football, wrestling, and track (he is a sprinter and he throws shot – he will NEVER have a job in high school!)  It was pretty early on that he needed to start using deodorant.  So I had to get used to having MY bathroom have that “man smell” after he got out of the shower.  It was weird for me for awhile.  He was my baby!!!  He used the High Endurance scented deodorant and body wash which was a familiar “man smell” to me.  A couple years ago, he changed his body wash to the Swagger scent.  I told him that I didn’t like it.  He looked at me and said, “You’re my Mom!”  As if to imply – Duh!  You’re not SUPPOSED to like it!  It’s for the girls!  Now he uses the Aqua Reef scented bodywash and I like that a little bit more.  I saw these commercials while watching football and absolutely LOVE them.  I hope I have a few more years before they are completely true for me (my son is 12) but I think they are HILARIOUS!!!