Rob Lowe

So, I really thought about this since finding out which teams were in the Super Bowl on Sunday evening. It is, as Kay says it, Super Bowl Liv (Pronounced with a short I like, Liv Tyler). Sean watched both games with me and once I found out the Chiefs were in it, I wasn’t super happy. Sean told me that Patrick Mahomes is good enough to win him his fantasy football league Super Bowl so he was okay with it. I wasn’t so sure though.

When we watched the NFC championship, my son commented on Rob Lowe. He was wearing an NFL hat and NOT rooting for either team:

The 49ers won the game and it wasn’t close. So, it’s between the 49ers or the Chiefs. I have to pick one of them because the Detroit Lions aren’t you going to be in a Super Bowl anytime soon, even though Kyle went with them opposed to the Cincinnati Bengals to get the Lombardi trophy next year.

I really am not a Chiefs fan (even though Mahomes is pretty impressive) nor am I a 49ers fan. My Mom thinks Jimmy Garoppolo is really handsome though. She told me that a couple years ago when Kyle started talking about him. This year, she also saw a bunch of 49ers players reading to kindergarten classes and then we were told that they read one-on-one with 2nd to 4th graders. My Mom is convinced that they will win the Super Bowl because they read with kids. I told her that most teams do stuff like that but it didn’t matter because she thinks the 49ers will win because Jimmy Garoppolo is handsome.

For me though, Jimmy Garoppolo really isn’t my cup of tea and I’ve been watching the breakfast table to see who they’re going with. On Monday, the whole table was all about the Chiefs which didn’t really sit well with me. I am not sure who to go for though. Maurice Jones-Drew (sitting in for Nate) was talking at the breakfast table today that the 49ers have a really good defense and the Chiefs have a really good offense.

He added that it definitely will be a game which I am excited for. I usually make the decision for who I am going to jump on the bandwagon for early on in the playoffs but when the Saints were knocked out again, I didn’t know who to go for. Maybe I should wait until tomorrow’s Throwdown Thursday to decide which team I should hook my bandwagon to, or maybe I think I will be like Rob Lowe…

A Lenten Wreath

A Facebook friend of mine that I’ve known since preschool posted not too long ago that she still had her Christmas tree up. She didn’t apologize for it and said that her kids like it and it made them happy. I completely identified with her even though her kids are in grade school. My boy is 18 and a senior in high school but he has loved the tree since we got it.

I first got the tree in our first apartment and he was four years old. When she posted this, my tree was also still up! My Mom offered to take it down just after Christmas and because I don’t have a huge role in putting it up, I told her she could take it down whenever she wanted.

Upon hearing this, my son pleaded and told her that it had to be up for longer! My Mom agreed to two more weeks. She started taking it down at the beginning of the week. Now that there is sickness in my house, she had to stop. I told Sean that it looks like a wreath. If it stays up long enough, it could be a Lenten wreath!

So, it is officially no longer Christmas in my house but maybe it will be set up for Easter because it Lent isn’t that far away.

Growing Up

I made a doctor’s appointment for Sean this morning because he developed a cough last night. Correction: my Mom came over this morning, got me out of bed, and called the doctor to make the appointment because I was too sick.

There were no appointments available for Pediatrics today but because he is 18, my Mom was able to make an internal medicine appointment for him. He’s old enough to be seen in internal medicine which kind of blows my mind!

My mind was further blown because he drove himself to the appointment. I didn’t have to go with him and that was the first time in his life. I was too sick anyway! He texted me from the pharmacy as he waited for a prescription for his cough to be filled.

My face really hurt today because I am not well yet. I fell asleep reclined in my wheelchair and I was only awakened by my son covering me with a blanket before he went into his room. I saw him walking into his room as I drifted back to sleep. I think it’s a little bit crazy that my son is growing up but my son is growing up…

Pain Care

Over this past weekend, my tens unit died. It was already on it’s last leg because two of the patches were wonky because the cords that send electricity to them were not working. My Mom picked me up a new tens unit today.

It’s different looking than my last one and I don’t dzeal well with change. This one had a name on it even though the old one looked cooler! “Pain Care.” It is helping with my constant knee pain but I feel that I will have it for the rest of my life. It felt so good when my Mom turned it om today! It was so good to have four patches sending electricity to my knee! Because in broke over the weekend, Binson’s was closed. I still I’m trying to get better from the sickness that I’ve got from Sean so today was the day my Mom got a new one for me.


Sean got me out of bed this morning so I could see the beginning of GMFB because since they are in Miami for the Super Bowl now, there was only one broadcast. I really wanted to see what the breakfast table was wearing!

It was still dark in the morning but I got to watch them walk onto the set. Kay said something about all of them looking beautiful. I Tweeted them this:

They haven’t made their pics to yet and I am still trying to decide who I want to win. I think I’m more like Rob Lowe still because I don’t watch either team during the regular season. They had some guests which I really enjoyed seeing:

I really enjoyed seeing Von and I love that they played the clip of his opening sack and subsequent touchdown in the Super Bowl! I remember watching that game! I still have a bronco T-shirt somewhere.

I remember that tweeted four years ago, “VON FOR PRESIDENT!!!” after he got the Super Bowl MVP. He chose the 49ers to win but then he added that you can’t count the Chiefs out, so…

I also liked watching Derek Henry on the show. I really wanted the Titans to be in the Super Bowl!

I’m going to wait until tomorrow to talk about my pick after I find out what the breakfast table thanks but I think it’s just going to be some really good football and I have already budgeted for B dubs. Sean is going to watch the first half of the game with me because he says that I treat it like it’s, “A Holiday.” Well, it IS!!!

I asked him if he was going to either have time show?! He told me that he is going to watch it here at our house because he wants to watch me watch it because I have been jammin’ to both J Lo and Shakira. I hope they play those songs! I wasn’t even mad at Maroon 5 for last year‘s halftime show. I really dug it! If felt like I was at a concert and I can no longer go to those. #MSsucks!!!

Entertained OR I’m with Kay, Von, and my Mom!!!

Watching GMFB this morning, I was thoroughly entertained! It started with a picture I saw on Twitter last night. I laughed throughout the entire segment that they showed this!:

But then they had the first GMFB Bodybuilding Contest:

I don’t like strawberry milk but I absolutely love that Peter won!!!

Ah yes, finally, a Nerd Bowl!:

I’ve waited all week for their picks so I can solidify who my pick was. Keys interview of Norma hunt really got me in, “The feels!” (As “The kids” say these days):

The storyline I have light the most is about Andy Reid and I get that he deserves a ring but then Kay made her pick.. I have to stand with her because I Tweet her all the time that we are the same person! We are both left-handed and both 5 feet tall with brown hair!:

Van Miller chose the Niners to win and my mom who is not a football fan at all chose them as well because Jimmy Garoppolo is cute. I think MJD and Kirk Cousins chose them to win also. I’ve been leaning toward the Niners to win but it really doesn’t matter. It’s going to be some good football! Sean calls me, “Rob Lowe”:

“Jenny from the Block”

I had a huge memory come back to me on the first time someone saw me fall. It was a ridiculous MS fall. The one where you trip over nothing and fall to your knees. Well, the first time I did that, I think I was 20 years old. I was walking with the teller supervisor back to my station and I fell right by the first disabled window.

I remember feeling my face burning and I was told that it was really red. I got a laugh then when it happened, but it wasn’t a mean laugh, as he was there, Matt (I called him, “Matty”) told me that I looked, “Really cute!” I was SO embarrassed and wondered what I tripped on and I didn’t know that that was the beginning of the end of me walking.

Anyway, I had forgotten about this memory until I saw yesterday’s halftime show:

It was J Lo‘s first song. I had completely forgotten about this for almost 20 years. It was her first song, or rather, the first part of the medley:

I had worked with a guy named Matt Davis. He was a year younger than me and I think he was hired shortly after I was. it wasn’t until after I had my son that I experienced that first fall and he is the one who witnessed it. I started thinking of this memory when the halftime show was just about over.

in a conversation once, and let him know that are used to be called, “Jenny” in high school. Now, most people call me, “Jen.” Back when I was working at the credit union with Matt, I was called, “Jennifer” because that was the name on my name tag. From the day I told him that I was called, “Jenny,” he would sing the J Lo song, “Jenny from the Block‘

in the mornings, all of the tellers would wait in the parking lot until one of the administrators unlocked the front door and that is where we would enter the credit union and wait downstairs in the break room until just before opening. Every time I got out of my car, I would hear Matt singing that song to me! He did it all of the time! I didn’t realize how endearing was until now that I was reminded of that song in watching yesterday’s Super Bowl.

I haven’t seen or talked to him in about 17 years. I’m sure he has kids now and I often wonder about him as I have memories of working at the credit union. I know that he has to live somewhere nearby and I’m sure someone I know knows where he is and I think I would like to know that!

i’m sure if I talk to him now, he would sing that song to me again! When we worked together, I just kind of rolled my eyes but I think now, I would laugh. I will tell him that I still have, “A little” but I don’t know that he would recognize me now in my wheelchair.


I had written probably about two weeks ago about Sean being sick and us having to have a red X on the door or a skull and crossbones because there is sickness in our house. I began to feel under the weather then.

Sean did not even finish watching the Super Bowl with me so he stayed home from school on Monday and went to the doctor. It’s the weirdest thing for my son to be seeing an internist instead of a pediatrician. He had developed a cough and got medicine almost a week ago. I had noticed that his cough wasn’t getting any better even though he was taking the medicine religiously.

When he decided to go to bed before the end of the Super Bowl, I told him that when he gets up in the morning, if he does not feel well, he should not go to school and should go to the doctor. Something about his cough didn’t feel right. I told him it sounded really wet even after all the medication he had taken and I said that he needed to go to the doctor to make sure it’s not pneumonia. He had pneumonia when he was four years old.

Growing up, my Dad had pneumonia a number of times and I learned that once you get it, you are predisposed to get it again. Well, 14 years later, Sean got it again. So now, I think the red X on our door should be replaced with a ”Quarantined” sign. Sean is really good about taking his prescribed medicine but I will say that as a mother, it kind of pains me to hear my baby cough so ferociously!

I am at a loss also because I have MS and I have had it for the past 19 years. I feel like I should be placed into a plastic bubble so as not to get pneumonia myself. My Mom is doing an excellent job making sure that I do not get it as well. She lets me know that that would be a really bad thing for me to have and I know in my soul that it would be bad as well.

So, it’s not like Sean is sick and he can lounge on the couch while we watch TV together, he’s seriously sick and stays in his room mostly so as not get me sick. It’s kind of sad to me but the medicine won’t make things better for at least three days. So, here I sit, mostly in my kitchen, and I am helpless when I hear him cough so vigorously! I feel terrible!

When he was four years old, I brought him what he tells me was, “A million balloons“ when he had pneumonia the last time. I told him that I couldn’t get it for him this time and he let me know that he’s grown now and doesn’t need that. That also hurt! He will ALWAYS be my baby!