“Jenny from the Block”

I had a huge memory come back to me on the first time someone saw me fall. It was a ridiculous MS fall. The one where you trip over nothing and fall to your knees. Well, the first time I did that, I think I was 20 years old. I was walking with the teller supervisor back to my station and I fell right by the first disabled window.

I remember feeling my face burning and I was told that it was really red. I got a laugh then when it happened, but it wasn’t a mean laugh, as he was there, Matt (I called him, “Matty”) told me that I looked, “Really cute!” I was SO embarrassed and wondered what I tripped on and I didn’t know that that was the beginning of the end of me walking.

Anyway, I had forgotten about this memory until I saw yesterday’s halftime show:

It was J Lo‘s first song. I had completely forgotten about this for almost 20 years. It was her first song, or rather, the first part of the medley:

I had worked with a guy named Matt Davis. He was a year younger than me and I think he was hired shortly after I was. it wasn’t until after I had my son that I experienced that first fall and he is the one who witnessed it. I started thinking of this memory when the halftime show was just about over.

in a conversation once, and let him know that are used to be called, “Jenny” in high school. Now, most people call me, “Jen.” Back when I was working at the credit union with Matt, I was called, “Jennifer” because that was the name on my name tag. From the day I told him that I was called, “Jenny,” he would sing the J Lo song, “Jenny from the Block‘

in the mornings, all of the tellers would wait in the parking lot until one of the administrators unlocked the front door and that is where we would enter the credit union and wait downstairs in the break room until just before opening. Every time I got out of my car, I would hear Matt singing that song to me! He did it all of the time! I didn’t realize how endearing was until now that I was reminded of that song in watching yesterday’s Super Bowl.

I haven’t seen or talked to him in about 17 years. I’m sure he has kids now and I often wonder about him as I have memories of working at the credit union. I know that he has to live somewhere nearby and I’m sure someone I know knows where he is and I think I would like to know that!

i’m sure if I talk to him now, he would sing that song to me again! When we worked together, I just kind of rolled my eyes but I think now, I would laugh. I will tell him that I still have, “A little” but I don’t know that he would recognize me now in my wheelchair.