
Sean got me out of bed this morning so I could see the beginning of GMFB because since they are in Miami for the Super Bowl now, there was only one broadcast. I really wanted to see what the breakfast table was wearing!

It was still dark in the morning but I got to watch them walk onto the set. Kay said something about all of them looking beautiful. I Tweeted them this:

They haven’t made their pics to yet and I am still trying to decide who I want to win. I think I’m more like Rob Lowe still because I don’t watch either team during the regular season. They had some guests which I really enjoyed seeing:

I really enjoyed seeing Von and I love that they played the clip of his opening sack and subsequent touchdown in the Super Bowl! I remember watching that game! I still have a bronco T-shirt somewhere.

I remember that tweeted four years ago, “VON FOR PRESIDENT!!!” after he got the Super Bowl MVP. He chose the 49ers to win but then he added that you can’t count the Chiefs out, so…

I also liked watching Derek Henry on the show. I really wanted the Titans to be in the Super Bowl!

I’m going to wait until tomorrow to talk about my pick after I find out what the breakfast table thanks but I think it’s just going to be some really good football and I have already budgeted for B dubs. Sean is going to watch the first half of the game with me because he says that I treat it like it’s, “A Holiday.” Well, it IS!!!

I asked him if he was going to either have time show?! He told me that he is going to watch it here at our house because he wants to watch me watch it because I have been jammin’ to both J Lo and Shakira. I hope they play those songs! I wasn’t even mad at Maroon 5 for last year‘s halftime show. I really dug it! If felt like I was at a concert and I can no longer go to those. #MSsucks!!!