
I saw and shared this post on Facebook yesterday:

ANY Beatles song will always and forever remind me of my sweet cousinT, Shannon who brought over and dropped off my specific kind of floss picks that ended up being nearly impossible to find during this time of Quarantine:

I have been thinking about this song since I shared that post yesterday. Today, I searched the song on YouTube to post on my blog. The sentiment of this man and reason for playing this song makes me cry.


More Love

I received some more love today. My brother, Jimmy, dropped off some things for me today.

My Mom pulled them into the house and disinfected them outside as well as inside so I snapped this picture as they laid on the floor after being sprayed and wiped down. I have about two more floss picks before I start using the bag my cousinT, Shannon bought me. it looks like this lockdown is going to last for a while and it’s good to know that I have the floss picks to last during it!


For my Mom 💜💜💜

Growing up, I did not fully enjoy saying the rosary. My Mom, however, does. I agreed to say them with her because I enjoy saying them WITH my Mom. The newest development for me is that I can’t speak properly at times. Saying the rosary with my Mom became difficult because I know what I want to say but I can’t control my muscles enough to make the words come out properly.

My Mom came across this man saying the rosary and we use it now when I can’t speak well. His Irish accent reminds me of Fr. Rooney who was our pastor when I was a child and he presided over my Dad’s funeral mass. My Mom will search her phone each day trying to find the proper rosary so we see the proper mysteries. I am posting this post for my Mom and or anyone else who may want to say a rosary for all of us during this most trying time:

Glorious Mysteries for Wednesday and Sunday:

Joyful Mysteries for Monday and Saturday:

Sorrowful Mysteries for Tuesday and Friday:

Luminous Mysteries for Thursday:


So Wednesday, my Mom and I were running late to complete our morning routine because she had to take care of some business. Our, “Morning routine” ended up turning into, “Late afternoon routine.” It was late by the time she left my house. Sean was home because it was a snow day so he told my Mom that he would get me into bed that night.

Before my Mom left, I asked her about my tens unit. She thought for a moment and said that she would come back. She would have to come back because in order for me to take the patches from my tens unit off of my knee, she needs to pull my pants down, pull my compression socks down, remove the patches and place them on the plastic sheet they come on and then pull my compression sock back up, and then we pull my pants up.

I did some problem-solving and decided that I will just keep my Tens unit on all night. Putting my compression socks on it’s very difficult even though my Mom makes it look easy and I wasn’t like can I have Sean pull my pants down. So, when Sean got me into bed, I unbuckled my pelvis stabilizer (Where I clip my tens unit on during the day) and when Sean got me into bed, he put my tens unit in my right pocket.

I have always slept on my left side but now, after surgery, I DEFINITELY sleep on my left side! When my Mom got me out of bed in the morning, we just did the same thing in reverse and once my pelvis stabilizer was buckled, a re-clipped the tens unit to it. My Mom and I drank our medicinal tea and had breakfast. Before we began our morning routine, my Mom took the patches off of my knee.

Once we were finished, she pulled my compression sock down and was going to put the patches back on so I could turn my tens unit back on. She stared at my knee for a long while. She told me that it looked tender and looked like the patches were breaking my skin down from being on all night. she decided to move them over a little bit but my knee is only so big and the four patches go in specific places.

So the lesson learned here was that I think my skin is more sensitive than it has ever been. At least now my Mom and I know that I can’t wear my tens unit all night and I guess we’ll just have to figure that out the next time something comes up and our routine it’s affected.

Tune #55 Inspired by GMFB

I swear that I have shared this song on my blog the floor but I searched through about 30 pages of posts in my, “Tunes” Tab on my blog and I searched all the way back to my “#1 Tune Inspired by GMFB” and I did not find it but I am still sick so I may have glossed over it unknowingly.

Today, on the segment titled, “Miami Dice.” the guys were rolling days to answer a question regarding the Super Bowl because it’s in Miami. when it was Nate‘s turn, he said it. I can’t believe that I haven’t posted about that before because I swear I have heard him or someone else say that and the show but he said, “Shake ‘em up, shake ‘em up, shake ‘em.” Who even added the, “7-11.”

so I had to search for a clean version of this song but I am finally found it:

Also, Kay was asking the questions and at the end of the segment, she was told to roll the dice. She stood on the left side of the screen and she rolled the dice with her left hand.

Now, I am also left-handed but I feel like a roll of the dice with my right hand Periodically. It may be years of not having any accommodations for left-handed people or the fact that my entire house growing up was nothing but a right handed people. Even today, Sean is right handed so my house is still nothing but right handed people. (my mom will stop by to take care of me and she also is red-handed) I’m really questioning it right now, “My kingdom for some dice!” That’s a Shakespearean reference by the way…

22 Days OR “Pop” OR Montage

I was only able to catch the rebroadcast of GMFB this morning because I was not feeling well enough to wake up early. During the rebroadcast, I did not see, “Throwdown Thursday.” Because and had nothing chis say about a segment that I did not see, I chose to write a blog post about something that I have been thinking about for a while.

I belong to a number of MS support groups on both Facebook and Twitter. I am more engaged with certain groups but given that I have had MS for 19 years now, I feel I have something of value to and to questions that get posed to the group. My experiences with the group I really engage in are usually wonderful so I didn’t think it would be a problem when I added my two cents to a question that was posed to a particular group that I usually didn’t comment on a lot. Well, that wasn’t the case in this particular instance.

The question was posed if we should wear medical alert bracelets saying that we have multiple sclerosis. I kind of thought it was a good idea and then I explained my situation. Last wild-card weekend, my knee, “Popped” out and would not. “Pop” back in. I ended up going to the ER via an ambulance because it hurt so much. I really thought they would just be able to, “Pop” it back in. I think it was because I was in so much pain that my speech was extremely affected.

I told each doctor who came into see me that I was not drunk or on drugs and that I was thinking clearly. I just had MS and was having problems speaking. I added that a medical alert device may have been helpful at that time. The responses I got to that included being told that knees do NOT pop out. Well, mine does! It has been doing that since my injury and subsequent surgery. I didn’t know what to say in response so I did not respond but I haven’t commented on anything since then in that particular group.

I really started thinking about this recently when I saw this video:

Toward the end of the video, he pops a person above back into place and that is exactly what my niece sounds like. So far, this January, my knee has popped out every day. That’s 22 days! It hasn’t popped out yet today but the day is not over yet.

I searched YouTube for videos of knees popping back into place and I found these:

My knee makes a popping noise multiple times a day and it is jarring when it does happen. It is usually when I transfer and I used to gasp and cry but now that it has been 2 1/2 years, I just kind of groan because it kind of startles me. My knee burns when it’s popped out and perhaps when it goes back in which hurts but ultimately, it feels better.

Now, with this last video, neither Sean nor my Mom yell like these kids dIdq but that’s what it look like the day I went to the ER. They ultimately could not help me and I missed some football and was only able to get home to watch the Saints get eliminated which really stunk!

When I got my taxes done, my knee popped out in the driveway while I was getting out of the car and my Mom had to pop it back in. Sean told me that I should put together a montage of my knee popping out because it does all of the time end it does sound kind of gross!