
I have been seeing so many posts of this new challenge on Facebook, the #blondetodarkhaurchaalenge. Lots of my friends have posted pictures and even one of my brothers! I have never died my hair and I am a little bummed that I can’t participate. I came across some old pictures in my phone today and posted my own version of the challenge. To put this in context. I think I was about 32 or 33 years old so we’re talking five or six years ago. It made me laugh to post pictures and these are the ones I posted:

I think that I had to be above 32 because if Sean was a new older than 12, he would not have taken these pictures of me. I also was still working and still driving. I posted in the comments on Facebook that retrospectively, I wish I would have purchased the Medusa wig but, I had to be responsible and I had bills to pay so I couldn’t justify spending $24 I think on silly nonsense. I really DO wish I could’ve been irresponsible and just bought the wig. I STILL would be wearing it and laughing about it today! So, I really haven’t done this challenge because I’ve never dyed my hair but I wanted to post something!

So, this is my hair back then when I still had a manual chair and still worked:

So many things have changed since I took this picture so long ago, or had Sean take it. Or maybe it was my Mom?