“You Have Hands Like Daddy Too!!!”

It’s August. August has been a hard month for me since 2006! But, this heat this summer is making it so much worse!!! I feel the tears so close to the surface because I am so uncomfortable and I have been for a prolonged portion of time. I thought I was noticing age spots on my hands so I sent pictures to my brothers to ask if they think that what it was and my brother Steve sent me this:

Seeing his hand completely startled me! So I texted him this:


My text to him said, “You have hands like Daddy too! And once I finished sending both texts, the tears just flowed freely! But he does have hands like my Daddy! ALL of my brothers do!

Something Spiritual

I saw that the New Zealand women’s rugby team won the gold medal today, and did the Haka. I had never witnessed women doing the Haka before. All I know is that I witnessed something spiritual today! I always cry when I watch people perform the Haka but these women are Olympic Gold Medalists now?!!!!

August 2024 Faves

So, it’s Trains turn. And I am sitting in the parking lot at Wendy’s, eating a single with cheese, no onions, no tomatoes, fries, and a Dr Pepper as I am staring at a tattoo shop. I vaguely remember thinking that I would get a tattoo there but I’m 42 and I don’t have any tattoos. This song was playing:

I first have to share this song because I am 12 years old every time I hear it but 42 year old Jen is different than 12 year-old Jenny and I no longer can sing along because it’s too many words in my mouth. 12-year-old Jenny did not have MS, oh, wait, maybe I did:

I prefer Train songs from the early 2000s. That’s when I found out that Pat Monahan has a harry chest when he was walking around shirtless. For the first time, I didn’t mind it! This is my favorite picture from seeing them live!:

NOT Pleasant but…

It was necessary for me to restart the three day cinnamon regiment the three times a day for three days and then I can go back to just the maintenance which is once a day.

It was tolerable. Not pleasant, but tolerable. It didn’t taste so much like the brown Mr. Sketch marker more like a mouthful of dirt. I had nine mouthfuls of dirt! On the 21st, I will send another sample to the lab and then I will see if I have to do this for a third time. My condition is chronic!

“I’m Going Blind.”

So, I’m thinking it’s going to be a multiple post situation as I am trying to sort through my eye doctor visit and my feelings about it…

Sean came over after work on Thursday. I had talked to him on Wednesday on the phone and told him about my appointment. He came in and he gave me a big hug, and I hugged him right back! He even commented, something like, “Wow, mom, that’s a good hug” to which I responded in a whisper by his right shoulder, “I’m going blind.”

I have been thinking about this since last Wednesday. I was so startled when I put my face in the phoropter (that is the name of the funny machine you put your face into to check your eyes) and I saw nothing. Absolutely nothing! I have been going to the eye doctors since second grade, That’s when I first got glasses.

I was so startled at seeing nothing, and I heard that doctor (with the ugly glasses) telling me that I was going to go blind When she told me, I had MS. Dr. Harris changed my prescription and I put contacts in so I could see so much better with them. I still have a lot to think about with this…

33 Pills

Pillaging for me has taken on a little bit more work. I take 33 pills a day now. I also leave my cheat sheet that Yanna gave me last month in the box that has all of my pill bottles so I can remember if I’m taking the pills correctly. It takes me four full rosaries to fill my pillbox! The rosaries keep my mind focused because counting pills is a lot of work!!! That and controlling my hands!!!

Bilbo Baggins

Wednesday, I left the house and it was pretty humid. I was shocked to see what my hair looked like. I looked like Bilbo Baggins from The Hobbit.
That fact, kind of made me laugh, and I HAD TO take a selfie to send to my friends and to Sean. I’m not sure that Sean got the reference, but I know that my friends did!:

I had posted a picture years ago now that a school friend had taken of me in high school and this is a picture of how long my hair was growing up:

I never would have thought in 1 million years that my hair would be this short or even that my hair would be curly! I wanted curly hair for my entire life, and now that I have it, I have to cut the curls off. But here we are.

A Bit of a Reprieve

I am leaving the house tomorrow to go to my naturopath and to get a haircut. We also are dropping a sample off to the lab. I was nervous about this ‘go time’ all month long! But it looks like I am going to have a little bit of a reprieve:


My appointment with my naturopath is at 3 o’clock and our haircuts are at 5:30. Looking at the forecast, 82° is a lot better than 89°! I have been drinking two shakes each day because when the temperature is over 85°, that’s WAY TOO HOT for me to eat food! That’s too difficult! So it looks like I got a little bit of a break, not at 82° or 83° is comfortable at all but I can handle that better than 89°!!!

Cinnamon Haze OR “Less”

I have taken a total of five doses of Ceylon cinnamon. I still have four to go, and I will be done tomorrow. I must say that ingesting 3 teaspoons of cinnamon is INTENSE!!! I spent yesterday a bit startled and kind of stupefied because I was stuck in a “Cinnamon Haze.”

Each time I gingerly blew my nose, I smelled cinnamon. I didn’t blow it really hard because I didn’t want a powder keg explosion in my nose again! As I drank my morning shake yesterday, it tasted different, because I had remnants of cinnamon dust in my mouth. Chewing gum afterward was also a COMPLETELY new experience!!! I liked how it tasted!

Because I was so inundated with the cinnamon smell I thought back to working at Fairlane mall at Superstars. Cinnabon was located the floor below us across from where we were situated in the mall. I could smell Cinnabon ALL DAY LONG! Subsequently, I gained 15 pounds while I worked there. But I only worked there from after basketball season to before softball season. Five or six months?

I really like that today was the second day of taking this Ceylon cinnamon, and it already is “less!” What I mean is that it is it’s less abrasive to take this cinnamon. Oh, it’s still HOT for sure, but it just feels a little bit “less.” And therefore a little bit more tolerable which is good, because I will have to do this for the rest of my life!