I Am Who I Am

A few days ago, I received my vitamins in the mail. Because of Covid, I am not going to see my Naturopath/chiropractor so I call my vitamin order in and they send it to me. I lined them all up on he desk beneath my TV. No, this is a process! First of all, I am well aware that I am OCD! I’m not embarrassed by it at all! When the package arrived, my Mom cut the package open and gave it to me. I took each bottle in its box and lined them up on the desk:

Looking at my desk, I feel rich! At least I will right now for a little while! The fact that all of these boxes are lined up on my desk leads me to another blog post but I need to think about that still. My Mom watched me painstakingly taking the boxes out of the package and lining them all of according to box size and she shook her head and started to giggle a little bit:

I knew what she was laughing and I just looked at her and completely straight face and told her, “I I am who I am!” The moment those words came out of my mouth, I heard this song and was taken back to being a child:

Sorry for the duplicated picture… I can’t figure out how to delete it…

Exhibit C

I spent the morning setting up a background for this particular blog post! I reposted three different posts that explain my reasoning and they also explain my Mom’s clothes washing habit. I will show you all exhibit A and B and will leave you to come to your own conclusion with exhibit C which I discovered a few days ago:

Exhibit A:

This incident took place days before she moved in once she started sheltering in place with me for the pandemic. This is my FAVORITE shirt! Despite being ruined by bleach, I still wore it until it became too large for me. And this will lend itself to exhibit B.

Exhibit B:

This is my Michigan sweatshirt! This one hurt because it added to the hurt of my favorite t-shirt being ruined. Now, my favorite sweatshirt is also ruined!

I discovered Exhibit C a few days ago and I wanted to make sure it was what I thought it was! I was actually wearing the article of clothing but I lifted my right arm up to my face and licked the spot in question and unfortunately, it was EXACTLY what I suspected!!!

Exhibit C:

It was bleach. This is my third article of clothing since my Mom has been living with me that is ruined! I showed my Mom my arm and asked her what it was. She did not know but when I stuck my tongue out and licked my arm I looked at her sharply when I realized that it was bleach, she started to laugh! I explained to her that this is the exact reason why I have not used bleach for my entire adult life!

The only saving grace is that the sweatshirt is on its way out because it is getting too big for me to wear. Both of the bleached sweatshirts are getting too big for me to wear but I still wear them just in case my Mom ruins them further!!!

A Beacon

I only wash my hair every other day now. Really, my Mom washes my hair. That is a, “Best Case” scenario, if I don’t feel well, it is #DirtyHairDontCare!!! Which has been happening a lot more lately. I say this because today may be a night when my white hair is, “A beacon” as my Mom called it a couple days ago when she took this picture:

I’ve never really been concerned about my looks and I just comb my hair with one of those $.$.99 combs. It’s my Dad‘s comb. He used to get them at the hospital. Luckily, my Mom has brought me a few of them that she is found in closets in her house since he has been gone. I comb my hair in the morning and let it fall how it does. I am interested to see if I will get a beacon tonight but I think that’s pretty possible, I just hope the white hair doesn’t get any friends! At least not anytime soon!!!


Yesterday, as my Mom washed my hair, she asked Siri what time it was and as soon as the phone beeped and she answered, I thought of this song and I can’t get it out of my head. Siri is that it was 3:33.

I think I may be the only person who would think of this obscure song when Siri tells me the time but I don’t mind and I did!

Looks Can Be Deceiving

So this is how my feet look right now at 7:08 PM:

This picture just shows me that looks can be deceiving because my feet are killing me! They have been her name from the moment my Mom uncovered me to get me out of bed. I had her take a picture of how my feet looked this morning after she put my shoes on:

I have been fighting with my feet from the moment I woke up! They hurt! My feet are beginning to pronate.

It hurts so I text Dan, “Phil” A few days ago and yes, he is saved in my phone as, “Phil” Even though his name is Adam:

It was a long text so:

And this is what he told me:

Since this morning, my Mom has been doing that multiple times while I sat there and allowed the tears tears to stream down my face. So, even though my feet may look normal no, they are fighting to turn in word end it is most painful!

#MyGirlL: Phase 2

Leia had her phase 2 treatment for heartworm this morning. My Mom took her while I still slept. It was strange waking up without her in the house. We were better prepared this time though, my mom had her pain medication ready and she took it shortly after she got home. But she was really slow:

A little bit after she took the pain pill, she ate. She is a little bit slower than she normally does because she’s not feeling well. My Mom picked her up at five this evening so Mom can tend to her throughout the night. She will take Leia back to the vet tomorrow while I am still sleeping again for one more shot. They will tell her whether or not she needs a phase 3 treatment too.

A Fond Memory

Last night, the first song that came on when I had shuffle for my Gavin Degraw playlist was this:

So many fond memories are attached to this song! I am living in my first apartment with Sean and I’m still able to drive. I lived in that apartment for my first year of teaching. That was back when Sean wanted, “TV that stays in the TV! Not just DVDs!” I didn’t get cable until we got our second apartment. I couldn’t afford it back then with my first year teaching salary.

I went to sleep last night hearing this song and smiling at the simplicity of my life back then! I never thought it would be as difficult as it has become and dealing with my disease. I absolutely love that a song can take me back to an easier time and when I was more able

f Love hearing songs thatcan bring back these fond memories for me and it reminds me that I did have a life that was more able because sometimes, that’s a life that is hard for me to remember!

I Forget

My MS friends posted this one on Facebook:

Given how I feel from the second I wake up to the second I fall asleep, I do NOT feel normal at all! I forget that I LOOK normal because I FEEL furthest thing from it!

A Good Memory with Laughter!

My Mom called Sean this afternoon and put him on speaker as she was asking him some questions or something. We both got on the call and Sean asked me a question. Actually, she told me about a song and asked me if I remembered when I allowed him to sing along with it and swear?

As soon as he asked me that, I started to laugh and so did he. I remember this instance quite clearly! We were driving to my Mom’s house and something really great happened. I can’t remember but we we’re in the turn lane as the song came on and he asked me if he could sing along with the words. I remember smiling and agreeing that he could sing along. In other words, I gave him permission to say, “Hell.” I don’t remember what good thing happened but I told him that he can only do that this one time with me!

When my Mom heard that, she was totally appalled! She asked how old Sean was and we both continued laughing. Sean told my Mom that the song came out in 2008 and this was probably in 2009, maybe 2010. Sean was either eight or nine years old at the time. My Mom’s mouth was agape as Sean and I -continued to laugh! Sean had to hang up and my Mom continued to chastise me how terrible thing that was to allow him to swear it’s such a young age. I can take it though, there is nothing better than sharing a good memory with laughter. The fact that Sean still remembers that specific incident warms my heart and makes me laugh! The fact that it has to do with music is just a bonus!


I posted this a few days ago on Facebook:

It only took two days for all of my brothers to weigh in:

I feel that I need to have a rebuttal considering that the world saw this! First of all, I have no qualms about admitting that I am a nerd! For sure! 100%! So, Ray and Dave I’m NOT offended at all!!!

Jimmy, it was genius to hide books in the bathroom vanity!!! TOTAL GENIUS!!! I did that because I have been so scarred since Mom would grab my book out of my hands as I was reading on the couch and taking until I was done cleaning!

Steve, I don’t really remember getting the sneak attack but I think I’m saying this because Mom reads my blogs! I was most delighted to see that my “Crime Partner,” my cousin, “Cheese” said this:

Although I cannot read as fast as I used to (it’s a vision thing) because #MSsucks!!! But really, this just proves that my brothers are #Haters!!! 😂😂😂