My MS friends posted this one on Facebook:
Given how I feel from the second I wake up to the second I fall asleep, I do NOT feel normal at all! I forget that I LOOK normal because I FEEL furthest thing from it!
My MS friends posted this one on Facebook:
Given how I feel from the second I wake up to the second I fall asleep, I do NOT feel normal at all! I forget that I LOOK normal because I FEEL furthest thing from it!
My Mom called Sean this afternoon and put him on speaker as she was asking him some questions or something. We both got on the call and Sean asked me a question. Actually, she told me about a song and asked me if I remembered when I allowed him to sing along with it and swear?
As soon as he asked me that, I started to laugh and so did he. I remember this instance quite clearly! We were driving to my Mom’s house and something really great happened. I can’t remember but we we’re in the turn lane as the song came on and he asked me if he could sing along with the words. I remember smiling and agreeing that he could sing along. In other words, I gave him permission to say, “Hell.” I don’t remember what good thing happened but I told him that he can only do that this one time with me!
When my Mom heard that, she was totally appalled! She asked how old Sean was and we both continued laughing. Sean told my Mom that the song came out in 2008 and this was probably in 2009, maybe 2010. Sean was either eight or nine years old at the time. My Mom’s mouth was agape as Sean and I -continued to laugh! Sean had to hang up and my Mom continued to chastise me how terrible thing that was to allow him to swear it’s such a young age. I can take it though, there is nothing better than sharing a good memory with laughter. The fact that Sean still remembers that specific incident warms my heart and makes me laugh! The fact that it has to do with music is just a bonus!
I posted this a few days ago on Facebook:
It only took two days for all of my brothers to weigh in:
I feel that I need to have a rebuttal considering that the world saw this! First of all, I have no qualms about admitting that I am a nerd! For sure! 100%! So, Ray and Dave I’m NOT offended at all!!!
Jimmy, it was genius to hide books in the bathroom vanity!!! TOTAL GENIUS!!! I did that because I have been so scarred since Mom would grab my book out of my hands as I was reading on the couch and taking until I was done cleaning!
Steve, I don’t really remember getting the sneak attack but I think I’m saying this because Mom reads my blogs! I was most delighted to see that my “Crime Partner,” my cousin, “Cheese” said this:
Although I cannot read as fast as I used to (it’s a vision thing) because #MSsucks!!! But really, this just proves that my brothers are #Haters!!! 😂😂😂
I actually saw this commercial in my YouTube feed at 2:33 a.m. I laughed so write that it took me until 2:37 a.m. to write the post! I found it so funny because first of all, I take Goli every day! For me, it helps with the energy because I was constantly falling asleep during the day in my wheelchair and taking this daily helps me to stay awake during the day.
My friend from the credit union, Matt Davis, whom I called, ”Matty” used to call me, “J.Ro” and then when the, “Jenny from the Block” song came out, he used to sing that to me in the morning when we were walking into the branch. So I laughed thinking about Matty and taking Goli every day. But I have been teased before for my name. When Forrest Gump came out, I was constantly called, “Jen-nay!” so it is not new to me. But the, “Jen-ergy” REALLY amusements me!
I will definitely have to work on the, “Jen-ergy” part but I think MS has something to say about that! I take it just so I don’t pass out in my chair during the day. It seems to work for me in this regard and eit is part of my daily vitamin routine. This commercial really made me laugh though!
Thanking about it, maybe it was Craig who called me, “J. Ro” and I called him, “Craigy.” Both of these guys did not have a problem with that and they are younger than me anyway so I would have called them that even if they didn’t like it. I think.
I got a notice on my phone regarding flash floods being possible as I was going to sleep. Once I awakened, my Mom let me know that my basement did NOT flood. Our houses are 10 minutes apart and hers did! My friend lives even closer to me than my Mom and hers flooded as well!
She lives north of me a few minutes and my Mom is south of me 10 minutes. It seems that my island persists seven years later because that was the last time that there was major flooding everywhere but my house! Seven years ago, the flooding took place on the weekend as well. I was going to go shopping that Saturday before we went to church so my refrigerator was empty! I remember telling Sean that the only options we had to eat were tubby‘s and Tim Hortons because their parking lots did not flood like the grocery store!
I called him and reminded him of going to eat at those two places for about a week. The memory was kind of fun for me but then I opened Facebook!
My neighbor growing up posted these pictures and a video of her house and I was completely speechless! She lives in the house that her parents lived in and I remember walking to her house. She is just up the street! When I saw these pictures, I realized the gravity of the situation!:
This was the intersection that I walked to McDonald’s and Arbor Drugs with my friend growing up! Seeing these pictures, kind of startled me! My nephew sent my mom a video of the basement. There’s about 3 feet of water there! I told her not to worry about anything I have left at her house and getting rid of it all because the water smells really bad!
It is supposed to rain all weekend and next week so I’m not out of the woods yet but this is a really big mess! My Mom is at her house right now cleaning up from all the water!
I’ve written about this movie a few times. my Dad took me to see, Fly Away Home when I was a kid. I clearly remember this and my Dad told me that he had read about it in the newspaper so he wanted to take me to see it. I clearly remember watching this movie with my dad sitting on my right with his arms folded across his chest as he usually sat.
Since my Mom moved in with me at the onset of Covid, I have been purchasing movies that just stay in my TV. That is better for me because I do not possess enough hand strength and control to mess with Blu-rays. We will decide on a movie together and will go halfsies when it comes to payment.
We have ordered a lot of movies in the past year! One movie that I recently have been thinking about is Fly Away Home. We searched Netflix and couldn’t find the movie and then my Mom went into Xfinity. Still not being able to make a decision, she searched for Xfinity to see if Fly Away Home was there. She spoke it into the remote and it was only available to rent or buy. I told her to buy it!
As she pressed the button, she told me, “Oh I’m not helping you pay for it!” I told her that that was OK because, “It’s between me and my Dad!” She chuckled a little bit as we started to watch the movie:
This song by Mary Chapin makes me cry EVERY SINGLE TIME that I hear it because I think of this movie and sitting in the movie theater next to my Dad!
This song plays in the beginning and the end of the movie and I cried both times and my Mom laughed at me both times! She said that I have seen this movie so many times and asked why I am still crying! Through my tears, I simply told her, “It’s between me and my Dad! You wouldn’t understand!” Her look of disbelief made me chuckle through my tears as well but she REALLY doesn’t get it because it’s between me and my Dad!
My YouTube thing is full of crazy things! I saw this video, shared it on Facebook, and HAD TO listen to it and I was reminded of a nine year old Sean? I think he was about nine. We listened to this song often!:
Last night as I was trying to fall asleep, I began to cry as I thought of ANOTHER Father’s Day whiteout my Dad. A friend of mine just recently lost her dad and I thought of her as well as tears streamed down my cheeks. I thought of this song as I began drifting off to sleep:
I remembered driving to work listening to this song on repeat and crying the entire time. I also remember wearing my sunglasses in the dark as I went into the building.
I texted her today to tell her that I was thinking of her and sending her all the love and positive vibes I can. I told her that I cried myself to sleep last night and she said she thought she would do that today. She told me that it was a tough day and said that she is guessing that it will always be.
I thought about what she wrote and the fact that 15 years in, it’s still can feel like it just happened. It didn’t make me feel good to text this but I had to be truthful. I texted two words: It will.
Sean came by this morning just as I was waking up. I heard my mom moving around the house and I called out to her that I was awake. My head was not facing the doorway and then I heard a man’s voice! It totally freaked me out and I whipped my head around and saw that it was my son, Sean! I didn’t recognize his voice because I was just waking up and it did not register.
It was so nice to see him and easier for my Mom and for me because he just picked me up out of my bed and placed me in my wheelchair. My mom went outside to re-plant her mosquito plants and I started talking with Sean. I asked him if he remembered the math packets he used to do in elementary school.. I think he was in third grade when one of the options was to play a game of Monopoly with family members.
He started to laugh and told me that he remembered. I reminded him that I couldn’t figure out why I was so stressed out playing a boardgame with my 8-year-old son! I was recently thinking about a video that I saw on Facebook years ago when I first joined.
I think it was the first video I shared on Facebook and I added a comment to the post. I tagged my brother and Sean and stated that neither of them are invited or welcome to join!
My brother, Ray, is brutal in playing Monopoly! He taught Sean to play the exact same way! That’s why I was stressed out playing with him when he was eight years old! Hey
I think our Monopoly game is somewhere in the basement. I told him that I will have to get a new game when he has kids. He told me that he could teach them how to play! I checked him on that and told him I didn’t want MY grandchildren playing like that!
Early this morning, I swear that I heard Leia’s tail thumping on the wall or the front door. I was so out of it that I just turned over and went back to sleep but when’s my Mom came home. She ate breakfast before she got me out of bed and told me that Leia was it going crazy when Sean came to pick her up this morning! So I did hear her tail something on something!
My Mom went with Sean to drop her off at the vet. Today begins “Phase 1” of her heartworm treatment. She is going to be given a sedative and then an injection to begin to kill the heart worms. She is staying at the vet till about 5 o’clock today so they can observe her.
My Mom took this picture of Leahia as they were getting ready to leave:
It shocked me how grown-up she looks! I updated her profile picture when I ordered food from Chewy today. So now, my Mom left to pick her up but before she does that, she needs to go to the post office to mail a package for me because it almost is my best friend’s birthday!
It was super weird all day to NOT have Leia here and I can’t help but think of this movie as my Mom is going to pick her up. I would watch this movie but it’s more of a fall or winter movie for me to watch. I always thought Renee Zelleweger singing it was funny! I’m not drunk but I am by myself. It feels weird!!!!