Bono’s Voice

I listened to my Apple Music playlist again as I brushed my teeth last night. I heard this song and was immediately taken back to my freshman year at Western! As I listened to the words last night, 20 years later, this song is different for me now. Back when the song first came out these were the lyrics I really dug!:

Of course these words made sense to a bright eyed college freshman!:

but then my diagnosis had started catching up to me as I was facing my life as a single mother:

And these words got me through it! To be called “Darling” and “Baby,” but I heard something different last night:

So this song was written for me specifically but this is what I heard yesterday that made me cry because I was not jumping either but here we are. Looking at 21 years of having this disease and it is difficult!

And I hear Bono saying this to me now:

So, I have been having a difficult time as of late but Bono’s voice has been keeping me sane