I Wasn’t Ready for This!

I woke up Saturday morning thinking about how much care Sean had given me the night before at my appointment. I immediately thought back to his time in NICU. I can still feel his little baby hair I Wasn’ton the right side of my jaw. I also still can remember how his tiny ribs felt under my left hand. He was so small!!! Two months premature makes you that way and he only weighed 4 pounds and 11 ounces.

But it wasn’t until today that I thought about it, we ARE that book. Love you Firever!!!:

Version 1.0.0

This wasn’t my favorite book and I thought it was weird that the man carries the Mom and put her into bed.

I preferred this book:

Version 1.0.0

I carried this book in Sean’s diaper bag, and I’ve read it to him often when we were out! I gift it to my friends when they have baby showers because it is very androgynous child!

I had already gotten out of bed and had my prayers and most of routine finished for the day when it dawned on me that is EXACTLY who Me and Sean are now. I didn’t think it would be when he was 23 and I was 42; I wasn’t ready for this! But that’s how it is now, I suppose.

The Cheese Stands Alone

I pillaged today. And the cheese stands alone:

That is the rest of the vitamins before my Mom puts the new vitamins we got on the 15th on my desk.

It’s technically standing next to the silver drops I take daily and my Pat-a-day that I put in my eyes each morning. One drop per eye when I wake up. My ibuprofen is a little bit further to the left. I take one pill every day for the rest of my life because of my knee injuries and surgeries. I just snapped that picture as I put the other pill bottles on my table where I keep my vitamins that I take daily from my pillbox.

I really can’t believe this is my life now!!! But it is… #MSsucks!!! 😒😒😒…

Looks like We Got it like that Now

I said a while ago that I would talk about the fact that I can no longer put my nativity scene on my desk in my living room. And this may explain to you why:

That is what my desk looked like on December 21st. Those are my vitamins.

And these are my vitamins today:

Sorry about the messiness, I don’t think my Mom would appreciate me sharing this picture, but I was able to snap a picture just now. So, I no longer can put my nativity scene up. My desk is used for other things now. My Mom was able to call the owner of Zerbo’s to place my order for Wednesday because that is when I get paid.

I, for real, started frequenting Zerbo’s after I went to Florida and went organic in the summer of 2007. I have been a customer since then and now, as my disease progresses, and my supplements are becoming even more important, my Mom just speaks to the owner who does the ordering.

Looks like we got it like that now, I never thought that I would in my lifetime but I’m glad that we do. I suppose? I say, “We” because my Mom has to do the talking because I cannot.


I had to change out my Ginger Spice chapstick twice. I had just a little bit left in a tube after Thanksgiving and then I used an entire tube all by myself this year so then I changed it out so I have like a half used tube for next year. Ho-Hum, no big deal.

…From a Giggle to a Smile… OR MUCH BETTER

So, we got the washer and dryer last Sunday. December 8. I absolutely love the song that comes on each time a load in the wash or a load in the dryer finishes!!!

Since we will have had these in my house for almost a week, I have gone from a giggle to a smile each time a song plays at the end of a cycle!!!

I told my Mom that I have wanted these in my house for my entire life!!! I really have! I just couldn’t afford it before now!

I am most reminded of my cooperating teacher texting me one morning in the spring of ‘22 and asked me if I was getting a new roof. I was totally startled by that question because the day before, Tallon Roofing (which is closed now) had just come by and put the shingles on the roof that they’re going to do the next day.

I told him that and he responded that he just passed my house on his way to work. And I responded to him that now I am old enough to understand how important it is to have something new that looks exactly the same! I think that I texted him a picture of my roof. It looked exactly the same!

My washer and dryer don’t look the same, they look MUCH BETTER but they are doing the same thing that my old washer and dryer did but this one sounds so much more fun!

I have reminded Sean and I’m not sure if I will be here but I told him that the house needs a new roof in 2072. I was born in 1982 so I will be 90 years old.

One Grain of Salt

I was talking to Sean not too long ago and he let me know that every single one of my brothers are ‘salt and pepper’ now. My immediate family got together for Thanksgiving the week before Thanksgiving. I told him that I have no idea how that happened?! Because I really don’t! But we are all in our 40s now.

My Mom and I were just talking about that. I have one strand of white hair right now. I had a white hair when I was pregnant with Sean and my Mom was stroking my hair and she found it and I immediately gasped, and told her to pull it out. Two didn’t grow back, and I just have one on the top of my head now but I am 42 and NOT 19!

My Mom lets me know that it’s there, but she further told me that she doesn’t think that I am going to get any more That is because I am on a lot of supplements! It looks like I will have just one grain of salt for a long time, I hope!

I am going to see my naturopath on December 18 and as of right now, I take 44 pills a day! We will see what it’s like in a couple of weeks. That’s the only time that I am leaving the house in December and I am so nervous about this cold weather!!!

Mary, Did you Know?

I remember when I first heard this song. Completely blew me away! I wish CeeLo Green’s career was better than it turned out, but this is a beautiful song!

I have a Christmas playlist of every song that I put on my blog and that’s what I’m currently listening to. When I heard about Mary, kissing the face of God, I began to cry!