
So this happened on Wednesday:

Normally, when I am this close to the end of a Chapstick tube, the plunger falls out of the empty tube so therefore, I need to have a “Bag o’ chapstick” which always reminds me of my student who noticed and commented on my “Bag o’ Lotion.”

I am absolutely startled at how quickly I am going through Chapstick but I guess that is part of my progressive disease. My lips feel so chapped all of the time! I amuse myself with all of my different flavors according to season.

I smelled, the hint of spring on Thursday, so once I finish this pomegranate, one, I will move on to my spring flavors!


My Mom has always been quite adaptable for my entire life! Because I am still rocking the window air conditioner, I turned it on a few days ago but tonight, I cannot handle this!:

My Mom pulled it out of the window and placed it on a dining room chair. This is how it is for me for the next couple weeks. #MSsucks!!!

More Recalibration Needed…

So, today is St. Patrick’s Day and I got my first St. Patrick’s Day shirt for people who are NOT Irish! I rocked it last year for the first time and I wanted to rock it again this year! Well, actually, I am wearing it right now. Let me ’splain ya:

I went to get my ID renewed yesterday after picking up the van and getting my haircut The day before yesterday. I have this all planned and out for the year in terms of my doctor appointments because I see a lot of different doctors now because my disease is progressing so much.

Last Wednesday and Thursday were the hardest days to this point of me having doctor appointments and stuff. I changed my shirt before we left to get my ID and as my Mom was getting my sweatshirt out of my bedroom, I snapped a picture.

On the way to Secretary of State, my Mom was looking at me in the rearview mirror and she asked, “What is this face? I have never seen that before!” I didn’t know what face I was making but I just responded by saying, “I have never felt this feeling before!”

I looked at the picture I had snapped of me in my Irish-ish shirt and I guess that was the face I was making in the back of the van that my Mom commented on. I guess more recalibration is needed:

A Long-Distance Relationship

Today is a recovery day for me after my sleep change from my nutritionist appointment and wheelchair tech visit and then the following day Leia went to the vet for my Mom to get trained on her shots that she’s getting now. My Mom will give it to her later today.

So, yesterday, I was talking with Sean and I had told him that Sarah, my nutritionist, broke up with me. Well, not really. And then I explained the terms of our new relationship to Sean.

Back in October 2021, Meira, my Speech Pathologist asked if I was losing weight without trying. I was glib and I told her that there’s always weight to lose! Because I have always been trying to do so for my entire life!!!

I had been seeing Meira virtually for about a year and she suggested that I see a nutritionist. And I started seeing Sarah at the end of last year. I have met with her three times and we have discussed my food intake.

She told me on Wednesday that because my weight is stable, she feels that I have a good grasp on what I eat. (which isn’t much but I am NOT faint) that we don’t need to schedule any follow up appointments. She told me to get bloodwork and a weight every six months and when I start losing weight again, she will meet with me again.

I told Sean that she can see my MyChart account for all the bloodwork and my weight. She told me to message her if my weight changes. When I told that to Sean, he he said, “Oh, she’s a stalker?!” I answered with a hesitant, “We-ell” and we both started laughing!


I am not sure if it is having MS for 22 years or the fact that I am turning 41 in three days but, I’m really not feeling it. It took 40 years but I think I am over the ‘birthday month.’ That is until today:

I forgot that I ordered these the week before my birthday month started! and these two flavors I had to try!!!

I even posted it on Facebook:

I saw these new flavors the week before ‘birthday month’ started. I ordered one of each because I wanted to try them out. I ordered a four pack because my Mom likes the chocolate chip cookies as well.

Because it is the second Thursday of March, and there are five weeks in March, I had to wait until today to try them. I actually told my Mom when I was halfway finished with my dinner that they were in the freezer.

I finished my dinner as they were thawing. I started with the brownie batter and I dug it a lot but then I took a bite of the mint chip ice cream… with the bite still in my mouth, I just said, “OH!!!”

I swallowed and finished the brownie batter because I wanted to savor the mint chip ice cream!!! I can’t wait until next Thursday!!! 😋😋😋


Math is hard. That is a fact that I have always known! However, I feel the need to share an story problem/equation based on the events of last night and this morning. Here it is:

Jennifer has had MS for 22 years. A cold, snowy and thunderous night leads to a mild morning of 42° and sunny. How is Jennifer feeling today?

The answer is HORRIBLE