Yesterday I did not wear my contacts because I was recovering from leaving the house That’s pretty stressful for me! The world is NOT handicapped accessible at all and my vision is fading so that as another layer of uncertainty, which kind of stinks!!!

Yesterday, my Mom and I were discussing the appointment we made for my readers and we both decided that making it a triple play is not a good idea at all anymore. With my disease progression. She made the appointment for me yesterday for readers for 23 August.

Very recently, I have changed my contact number for all of my doctor clinics and medical supply distributor to my Mom’s phone number. I think year 22 of having MS is ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE and I am hearing that doctor from when I was diagnosed tell me that “Look, you have MS, you’re going to go blind and then I am going to die.”

My Mom and I told Dr. Harris about that terrible doctor who told me that I had MS and how she did. He couldn’t believe it either, and he told us that we should’ve punched her!

Retrospectively, we probably should have, but we are both too shocked because I was only 18 then and I didn’t know what to expect but it DEFINITELY was not what it is now!!!