Well, I will post this month’s faves on New Year’s Day, so…
I LOVE YOU, BONO!!! “New Year’s Day”. u2
“Not Easy“. Alex Da Kid
“Starving“. Hailee Steinnfeld
“Live It Well”. Switchfoot
“Dancing On My Own”. Calum Scott
“When You Love Someone”. James TW
I couldn’t understand why I was so affected by Princess Leia dying! I wasn’t alive when Star Wars first came out but I was equally affected 2 days before when George Michael died. I watched a documentary about both of them dying so close to the end of 2016. I had forgotten some of his GREAT songs! I put the “George Michael Essentials” on Apple Music while I watched football with the sound muted. I was surprised how I knew and remembered all of the words to a lot of these songs because I was so young when they originally came out and I haven’t heard them in a while. Good thing that Wham! song, “Last Chistmas” is ALREADY my ultimate Christmas Fave!!! Here are the songs I sang AT THE TOP OF MY LUNGS while watching muted football: it’s a bit random, I know, but I was by myself so…
“One More Try“. George Michael
“Careless Whisper“. George Michael
“Father Figure”. George Michael
“Freedom ’90” George Michael