2.26.15 “Wacky Sock Wednesday” #5

Dan pulled me into Barwis yesterday.  After I pull up to one of the disabled parking spaces, I know that I just have to open the door and I’m home free.  The tricky part is getting out of my car and into my chair in this extreme cold!  The cold causes my legs to “seize up” or straighten up tightly so it’s near impossible to bend them to get out of my car.  Yesterday, because it still is SUPER cold out was more of the same.  I opened my car door and when I realized that my legs weren’t going to bend I leaned back and SLOWLY inched my feet out of the car.  I said, “Little by little … Jen, little by little.”  I didn’t have to mutter to myself because there is NOBODY outside in the back of Barwis Methods.  I haven’t said this proverb to myself in a while so it was nice to hear and remind myself of it’s truth.

Mike pushed me over to the blue table and there were two other people in wheelchairs already there.  One person, (Chris?) was getting off of the table and his caregiver was helping him.  I said to Mike that I felt like I was in a traffic jam with all these wheelchairs.  So, now there were two of us in chairs and one table.  Megan had slipped in with Garret and they were on the white table.  Mike walked over to Nick to decide who was getting the table. I suggested that they have an arm wrestling contest to decide who gets the table.  Mike just kind of rolled his eyes at me.  Then I suggested “Paper, Rock, Scissors.”  As Nick was headed over to the red mat, Mike told me that my suggestions were “SO juvenile!”  I reminded him that I teach middle school.  As it was being decided who got the table, I showed Megan my socks for “Wacky Sock Wednesday” #5.  She had socks with penguins on them.

Wacky Sock Wednesday #5

Mine had elephants on them.  Elephants are my FAVORITE animal!  One of the elephants was holding a daisy in his trunk. Not only are the socks purple (my FAVORITE color), but they also have a daisy on them!  Jesse and Phil used to call me “Daisy.”  My son says that these socks were made with me in mind.  I agreed.

The stretch was SO intense that I shoved my sweatshirt sleeve in my mouth to bite down on to stifle a scream.  After a stretch, Mike crossed my legs and stepped back.  He told me to uncross them by myself.  I said to myself over and over, “Little by little, Jen.”  It took a long time and I told Mike not to give up on me.  Then my legs uncrossed.  I yelled, “I did it!” just like Dora the Explorer (my friend, Travis, told me that I look like her when I cut my hair) and Megan repeated that I did it from the other side of the gym just as loudly.  She was busy the second time so a different trainer named Mike  told my Mike that I did it kind of making fun of me.  I told him that I uncrossed my legs twice!  I was proud!  Mike took that picture of my socks, put my shoes back on, and put me (kind of easily) in the car.  I drove home with my legs relaxed and feeling good.

3.2.15 Ta-Da!

Deeds pulled me in to Barwis again.  He runs the high school group and they are usually doing drills using the 20 yard hash marks or  running their sprints usually so he is by the door.  I guess that is kind of our thing.  He will stop and pull me in and I tell him it gives the kids a rest, a chance to catch their breaths.  Maybe secretly they are thanking me.  So I got in and waited for my time.  Mike pushed me to the chairs and I didn’t wear my hat and gloves because it almost seemed like it was going to get warmer.  It since hasn’t but it can’t be cold FOREVER!).

Mike pushed me over to the table and sat me on it.  Monday was an emotionally draining day for me.  It was the beginning of MS Awareness Week and I am doing some fundraising for the Michigan chapter of the MS Society at my school (CCA-MS) and we had a speaker come in to talk to the kids during their e3 classes and before lunch.  It has taken over 10 years for me to finally talk about MS but I wanted my kids to know about it because I knew nothing about MS before they told me that I had it.  I was tired but looked forward to my stretch.  Mike kneaded my calves and knuckled my thighs because my legs were pretty tight because I was emotionally spent.

He had me lay back slowly but I was able to do so without it hurting too, too badly.  He stretched my legs up and put me in the, “Ooh Doggie!” stretch with my feet pointed toward my right side.  Then he crossed my legs, took a step back, and pulled his phone out.  He was doing something on his phone and told me to uncross my legs.  I closed my eyes (because that is what I do when I REALLY have to concentrate) and tried to think of which muscles to activate in my legs to get them uncrossed.  My mind was moving very quickly but my legs weren’t.  Mike told me something like whenever I want to uncross them because they hadn’t moved.

But then it was like that moment when you feel a knot you are trying to untie loosen a bit so you KNOW you will untie it.  It was like it was a Rocky movie (4 is my FAVORITE) and the music has started playing during the fight.  The Russian has already been cut and the tide has changed.  I felt my legs move and I KNEW I was going to uncross my legs.  I did and threw my arms up as I laid on the table and yelled, “Ta-Da!” pretty loudly!  Deeds said, “Geez Jen!” from across the room and Mike just kind of shook his head with a straight face.

He stretched the other side and I uncrossed my legs for a second time.  You know I had to yell another, “Ta-Da!”  I uncrossed my legs TWICE!  It is SO cool to tell my legs to do something and for them to actually do it!!!

3.4.15 “Wacky Sock Wednesday” #6

Deeds pulled me into Barwis.  I was exhausted as I waited for my time.  MS Awareness Week has taken its toll on me both physically and emotionally.  I was relieved that I was at Barwis.  I feel safe when I’m there.  It’s my second home.  I’ve been coming here for nearly 20 months now.  Almost 2 years.  It gives me hope coming here and working SO hard to walk.  ALL of the trainers here reinforce my hope.  They believe in me too.  So, Mike walks over and tells me that he has my shirt here and that he will wear it when it is my time.  I got SUPER excited because I gave him an MS Awareness Week shirt from my school.  I was wearing the semi-matching sweatshirt so we were going to be sort of “matchers.” I told him that we would have to take a selfie which he refused.  Hmmm. I’ll have to work on that.  In the meantime, I showed Megan my socks.  It WAS “Wacky Sock Wednesday” #6.

When it was my time, Mike came over, pushed me to the blue table, and put me on it.  Then he went to change his shirt from his Barwis Methods shirt to his CCA-MS MS Awareness Week 2015 shirt.  I had my phone with me because I had to take a picture of my socks (they were MS Awareness Week influenced).  Mike isn’t too keen on taking pictures (like Phil) so I snapped this one as he came out and walked to the blue table where I was sitting:


I was SUPER excited to see him and let my excitement that we were almost “matchers” be known pretty loudly.  Nick heard me and took this picture and sent it to me (probably, mostly to annoy Mike but I didn’t mind.   My room is pretty cold so I learned last year that I needed a sweatshirt in addition to a t-shirt.


My right hand was weak and numb because I was pretty stressed this week so Mike kneaded my forearm and showed me how to stretch it out to make it feel better.  It felt better so he had me lay back.  He stretched my legs up so I was able to get a picture of my socks for “Wacky Sock Wednesday” #6.  They are orange tie-dye because this week is MS Awareness Week and the national color for MS is orange.


He stretched my legs for a long time like this.  I snapped the picture before he had straightened both of my knees.  After we did this stretch, he sat as we rested a bit. But then, I was able to snap this one:


This picture seems like an advertisement for my school.  I tweeted it asking if we had a new Aztec Eagle.  It was just after this picture that Mike took my phone.  He put it on my wheelchair so there was NO WAY I was getting it back.

He put me in the, “Ooh Doggie!” stretch and had me lay on my stomach and stretched my legs so my heels  were  close to touching my butt. The stretch is not as intense and I have a much better range of motion.  Then my time was up so he put my shoes back on, pushed me over to get my coat, and put me in my car.  I  had gotten my phone back and snapped a picture of him stowing my chair in case the other ones weren’t good.


So, we didn’t take a selfie but when it is a “Wacky Sock Wednesday” as well as a “Walking Wednesday” one is coming.  So, be warned Mike!  My butt hurt on Thursday.





3.6.15 Lip-Sync Battle

I was late to Barwis so I called and Connor came out to get me when I got there on Friday.  He originally was going to push me to the blue table but I had to take my jacket and hat off so he pushed me to the chairs.  Mike came over to get me as I was taking my jacket off.  He started pushing me over to the blue table but I was side tracked by Megan.  She asked me what I wanted to listen to.  I told her 90’s Pop but I don’t think that is what she put on.  Mike and Megan were talking and the conversation ended with Mike challenging Megan to a llip-sync Battle which she accepted jubilantly.

We ended up at the blue table and I talked about the ONLY lip–sync contest I saw on Jimmy Fallon.  It was the night of the Super Bowl and I was bummed that the Seahawks lost but Kevin Hart and Will Ferrell were funny.  Mike told me that the funniest lip-sync contest was Paul Rudd.  He pulled it up for me on his phone.  I watched it and laughed A WHOLE LOT as he stretched me.  Then he told me of another funny battle and pulled that one up too.  It was Joseph Gordon Levitt and Stephen Merchant.  This one too, was also VERY FUNNY!  I had never seen them before, I told him that I am never up late enough to watch them.

Then he had me lay on my stomach and I told him that this wasn’t such a stretch as he bent my foot back toward my butt.  But, just as I said this, he leaned in and I grunted, “Now, this is a stretch!”  i asked him how it felt and he told me that my range of motion has really improved which is exactly how I felt too.  It was good to hear it.  He put me in my car and I was relaxed driving home.  It wasn’t until Saturday morning when I realized how BIG of a stretch I received on Friday because my butt hurt A LOT!  But those videos were absolutely hilarious!!!


2.27.15 Modified Pretzel

Deeds pulled me in to Barwis but once inside I asked Madison to help me find my phone.  I lost it somewhere in my car so she took me back outside and called it.  She crawled into my car into the driver’s seat and listened.  It ended up being behind the passenger’s seat on the floor.  I could NEVER have gotten it!  I was SO grateful that she got it for me and I got that familiar pang of irritation/sadness with the knowledge and realization that I physically couldn’t do that myself.  At least not NOW anyway.  But, one day soon I hope.  I LOVE that everybody at Barwis are like family now and anyone of them would help me out (EXCEPT Mike Rhoades – just kidding).  She pushed me back inside and I waited for my time.

Mike pushed me over to the blue table and sat me on it.  I told him that I slept HORRIBLY the night before and that my legs felt pretty tight.  He kneaded my calves and knuckled my thighs.  He told me to lay back and as soon as my shoulders hit the mat, my back painfully arched and I sat up.  I saw Mike get that look in his eye, the one that Jesse and Phil used to get as well.  It was as if Mike was mentally flipping through his kinesiology rolodex deciding on how he was going to stretch me.  He told me to lay back again but this time raised my legs over his right shoulder.  He pushed my knees against him to straighten my legs.

My back felt better but then he had me bend my knees with my feet on the table.  He bent my right leg over my left knee like I was sitting like a man and told me that it was a “modified pretzel” that he was putting me in.  I didn’t think it was any different but he stood on my right side and leaned in.  Searing pain ripped through my right hamstring straight through my right buttcheek.  I screamed, “You’re going to rip off my leg” five or six times.  He didn’t ease up and I endured as best as I could.

My legs were Jell-O and Mike put me in my car.  I fell asleep easily and slept well.  I woke up in the morning and realized a couple of things:  my legs felt tangled and I couldn’t untangle them and my Mom hadn’t gone to work yet.  I called her and asked her to stop by to help me get out of bed.  I couldn’t move.  My house was on her way to work (she is a preschool teacher) and has a Saturday “Baby and Me” child and parent class.  She came into my house (she has a key) and found me laying in bed with my son asleep in his room.  My back was to her when she came into my room.  Before she touched me, asked her to uncover me and untangle my legs and to do it fast because it was going to hurt.  She replied that I should have just said, “Ooh Doggie!”.  I laughed and once I was in my chair explained to her that it has to hurt if it’s to heal and assured her that I would be better as the day went on and I was.

3.9.15 Limbo

I smelled Spring when I got out of school and I was really excited!  It will be nice for this Winter to FINALLY be over!!!  That being said, this Winter was NOT 1/2 as bad as last Winter!  I’m a bit amazed that I don’t feel as badly as it did last year.  Almost 20 months of working will do that to you  I suppose.  When I got to Barwis, I saw that they opened. One door a little less than half-way.  Just big enough for me to squeeze under!  I’m only 4’1 when I’m seated so you KNOW I had to roll under while tilting my head back as if I were participating in a limbo contest.  Mike was just on the other side of the door and was surprised to see me.  I told him that The Eagles weren’t very good limbo music (that was what was playing through the speakers) but I didn’t mind so much.   As I waited for my time by the chairs, I took this picture that shows Megan talking to a woman.  I don’t know who she was but she wasn’t there to workout.

Megan and Door

Mike pushed me to the blue table, put me on it, and started kneading my calves and knuckling my thighs.  Then he had me lay back and he stretched my legs.  Then he had me lay on my stomach and stretched my legs back and told me that I felt good when I asked.  The stretch has REALLY been feeling good and it is nice to see progress toward walking amid this cold and snow.  But, maybe Spring is on the horizon just like walking is for me.  He had me lay on my back and started doing some abducctor work.  He said something just like my Dad used to and unexpectedly, it squeezed my heart a bit.  I knew I couldn’t talk about it lest I cry but I said the bare minimum.  He put me back in my chair, I got my jacket, and he let me limbo out of the door to my car.

He put me in my car and I began to drive home.  The radio was on but I can’t say which songs were playing.  I was deep in thought about my Dad, the events right before and after his death, and how little my son was and I began to cry.  I cried the entire ride home.  I remembered that Jesse told me in the beginning of my work to walk that lots of emotional things will be stirred up.  Perhaps it is to derail me from my goal?  This is NOT to say that I am NOT a sissy, cry-face baby because I AM.  I KNOW I am. But it surprised me how these particular memories came up right now.  I keep thinking 8 and a 1/2 years removed that things will be easier.  They’re not.  A friend told me that in the beginning.  He was right.  I think of that The Script song and I wonder, “If he (my Dad) could see me now” and all my work at Barwis. ???




3.11.15 “Wacky Sock Wednesday” #7 OR TotallyRadSocks.com

The sun was shining when I pulled up to Barwis so Dan was training someone outside and Megan was using the table just inside the door.  I showed her my socks and wheeled inside.

WSW 7.2

(Mike took this picture for me at the end of my session.)

There were 3 other wheelchairs inside.  NICE.  I waited by the chairs but all of the doors were open so it got a little chilly after a while so I moved to just across from the blue table.  Someone in a wheelchair left and another wheelchair came in.  When it was my time and Mike took me to the blue table and kneaded my calves.  I told him to look at my socks (they had flying pigs on them) and he told me to show Megan.  I told him that I already did and started laughing.  He asked where I got them and I told him TotallyRadSocks.com.  He told me it was more like TotallyStupidSocks.com and I corrected him.  He asked if me and Megan shopped there together and I told him that we shop separately.  I looked around at the wheelchairs and told him that I used to be the only “First Stepper” who came in the evening.  I told him that right now, I felt like in order to be cool, you had to be in a wheelchair.  Last winter, a man with a camera came up to me as I got into Barwis and greeted my and told me, “Hi, you must be Jen.”  I wasn’t sure how he knew my name but then he explained that he was going to take pictures for the First Step Foundation and most of the First Steppers came to workout earlier in the day but he waited for me.  Then it made sense.  I was the only one in a wheelchair so of course I was Jen.  I am a First Stepper.  But now, I felt like  it’s a wheelchair club right now.  I took a picture of the new decal that was on the wall because of it.

First Step Foundation

Mike stretched me really good but it wasn’t as painful as it has been.  I snapped this picture as he was doing this. Just to be sure I had a pic of my totally rad socks.

wsw 7

When he had me lay on my stomach, I asked him how I felt.  He told me that my range of motion was great and soon we would do some TNF stretching.  I asked what that was and he told me to look it up.  I texted Nick yesterday to find out what it was.  He told me that he had no clue and asked if I meant PNF.  I told him that I didn’t know and told him that Mike told me about this after he told me that my range of motion was great (I REALLY liked hearing that by the way!).  Then he texted back with the explanation.  Apparently:

PNF stands for Proprioreceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation which is a way [Mike] can modulate the central nervous system to improve not only activation but inhibition of movements.

I thought of Phil and I was just happy that I knew what “proprioreceptive” meant.  I can’t wait to tell Mike that I know what it means but I’m NOT sure I’ll tell him that Nick told me.  I let that text sink in and I read it a few more times.  I think this means good things for my walking and that excites me!!!  My legs were relaxed when I drove home and my butt feels like it did some work but doesn’t hurt so badly like it did before.  Just as the weather is breaking, I feel that progress is evident and that feels good!!!


3.13.15 Apples

Just as I pulled up to Barwis, Chris and his girlfriend, Emily were coming out of the door.  After she got Chris all situated in the car, she came over and asked if i needed any help.  My legs were STILL not out of the car.  I asked her to pull my legs out and explained that I have Multiple Sclerosis and how the “meltdown” is effecting my body and it is stiffening up with all of the precipitation in the air.  We talked for a little bit and she told me of Chris’ sporting accident.  I told her that having MS, (Jesse told me) is like having an accident every day.  I often remind myself of what Jesse said almost 2 years ago.  Chris has been coming to Barwis since January and I told her that I have been coming for 20 months.  She asked if I needed any more help and I told her that I had it and that Deeds will pull me into the gym.  I thanked her again for her help and transferred and opened the door.

Deeds pulled me in as he ALWAYS does. When it was my time, Mike pulled me over to the blue table and sat me on it.  He had me remain sitting as he kneaded my calves and then had me move my left leg and foot outward 5 times.  Now, normally, first is ALWAYS the worst but in this case – first was the BEST because my legs tired VERY QUICKLY!  He had me do the same for my right leg and then had me lift my left knee up 5 times.  My legs tired just as quickly but I did it for both sides and tried my best NOT to use my upper body to over compensate for my legs.  Then he had me lay back and as I did, I told him that PNF stands for Proprioreceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation.  He looked surprised and pleased that I knew it and he asked if I looked it up and I shook my head and smiled.  He thought Jesse told me and I shook my head again.  He asked, “Mike?” and I shook my head again.  I waited to build suspense and then I told him that I texted Nick.

He asked me again what it meant and I repeated it.  I told him that Phil told me all about proprioreceptors.  He asked what he told me and I kind of shrugged and told him I didn’t remember.  I thought and remembered it was a science-y and didn’t make a lot of sense to me.  I also remember failing that online test.  I asked him when we were going to work on PNF and he again asked me what it stood for.  I told him that I wasn’t going to forget and told him what it stood for again.  Then he told me to push into him with my leg as he was stretching it.  I tried with all of my might and remembered doing a form of this with Phil.  We’d do manual leg curls and I remember pulling my leg down well (I thought) and I would smile and kind of raise one eyebrow and ask him, “How you like them apples?!”  He wouldn’t say anything and then would tell me to do it again but would hold my foot where no matter how much I pulled my legs down, it wouldn’t move and he would give me a look similar to the one I gave him to tell me how much he liked those apples and then we both would laugh.  I asked Mike if he felt my pushing and he said, “a little bit.”  Well that’s poo!!!

He had me roll over onto my stomach and commented on my mobility.  It IS getting easier to control my body.  The cold is not arresting it so much!  He put me back in my car and took me outside.  He put me in my car and wished me a good weekend.  But I guess I see progress.  It has taken 20 months but it’s there, “a little bit.”

3.16.15 Happy and Warm

The roll-down door was completely open so Mike came over and pulled my feet out of the car (he’s faster) and he sent Joe over to continue to help me.  After my feet were out of the car, I usually can do everything myself but I talked with Joe as I did this.  Joe is a new intern and I told him that I have met MANY interns but I am still NOT walking.  I told him that hopefully he will see me walk.  Mike pushed me in to the chairs when I was all ready.  When it was my time, Mike came over and got me.  He pushed me over to the blue table and put me on it.  I sat as he kneaded my calves and knuckled my thighs a little bit.

Just after he did that, he asked me what PNF stood for.  Proprioreceptive Neuromuscular Facuilitation.  I told him that I am NOT going to forget!  As if I could forget?!  It is an important step in getting me up and walking which I have said all along that that is my goal.  He had me lay back and began stretching me.  I asked him if I am progressing.  He told me that if by progressing I mean that the stretch is easier than I am.  The stretches he does feel A LOT better in terms of them not hurting as much.  I feel that my body is starting to limber up nicely.

He put me back in my chair.  Dan had mostly closed the roll-down door but I was JUST able to limbo under it as Mike pushed me and let go of my chair.  He put me in my car and my body felt relaxed and I slept well.  I woke up Tuesday morning with my lower body NOT hurting but I felt that I had done work.  It felt like your body feels after a workout before the pain sets in.  My body felt happy and warm and that is such a good feeling!!!

3.18.15 “Wacky Sock Wednesday” #8

I got out of my car by myself and opened the door and this time, Dan was closer and pulled me in.  I was a bit early and sat by the chairs and talked with Darren’s mo m as I waited.  Mike came to get me and pushed me over to the blue table when it was my time and put me on it.  He kneaded my calves and I asked how I felt.  He said that I felt tight but not as tight as Monday.  I told him that I felt WORSE than I did on Monday so I was surprised at what he said.  He knuckled my thighs and had me lay back.   Recently, when he tells me to do this, my legs bend up and my back hurts. I tend to make a face when this happens and if Mike asks me if the pain is too much. Her motions I always tell him no and I think of this Rocky clip. After I saw this clip, I searched for a clear clip. I found a more complete clip so I guess if you want to just watch the good part of Rocky IV you can just watch the clip I found.  Here is the complete clip.

Once my back and legs relaxed, I could show him my socks because it WAS “Wacky Sock Wednesday” #8.


The more my legs relaxed, the easier it was to get a good stretch. Mike folded my legs like I was sitting like a man and I HAD to take a picture!

My legs felt like Jell-O than.  I think it is better to feel relaxed than to feel SUPER tight!  I guess the Jell-O feeling will lead to better things down the road.  I’ll wait for it!