3.9.15 Limbo

I smelled Spring when I got out of school and I was really excited!  It will be nice for this Winter to FINALLY be over!!!  That being said, this Winter was NOT 1/2 as bad as last Winter!  I’m a bit amazed that I don’t feel as badly as it did last year.  Almost 20 months of working will do that to you  I suppose.  When I got to Barwis, I saw that they opened. One door a little less than half-way.  Just big enough for me to squeeze under!  I’m only 4’1 when I’m seated so you KNOW I had to roll under while tilting my head back as if I were participating in a limbo contest.  Mike was just on the other side of the door and was surprised to see me.  I told him that The Eagles weren’t very good limbo music (that was what was playing through the speakers) but I didn’t mind so much.   As I waited for my time by the chairs, I took this picture that shows Megan talking to a woman.  I don’t know who she was but she wasn’t there to workout.

Megan and Door

Mike pushed me to the blue table, put me on it, and started kneading my calves and knuckling my thighs.  Then he had me lay back and he stretched my legs.  Then he had me lay on my stomach and stretched my legs back and told me that I felt good when I asked.  The stretch has REALLY been feeling good and it is nice to see progress toward walking amid this cold and snow.  But, maybe Spring is on the horizon just like walking is for me.  He had me lay on my back and started doing some abducctor work.  He said something just like my Dad used to and unexpectedly, it squeezed my heart a bit.  I knew I couldn’t talk about it lest I cry but I said the bare minimum.  He put me back in my chair, I got my jacket, and he let me limbo out of the door to my car.

He put me in my car and I began to drive home.  The radio was on but I can’t say which songs were playing.  I was deep in thought about my Dad, the events right before and after his death, and how little my son was and I began to cry.  I cried the entire ride home.  I remembered that Jesse told me in the beginning of my work to walk that lots of emotional things will be stirred up.  Perhaps it is to derail me from my goal?  This is NOT to say that I am NOT a sissy, cry-face baby because I AM.  I KNOW I am. But it surprised me how these particular memories came up right now.  I keep thinking 8 and a 1/2 years removed that things will be easier.  They’re not.  A friend told me that in the beginning.  He was right.  I think of that The Script song and I wonder, “If he (my Dad) could see me now” and all my work at Barwis. ???