I received some news today at 1:36 p,m, that I have been having difficulty processing! I think I am overwhelmed. Since receiving this information, I have teared up and began crying with no way of stopping it. The tears just began streaming down my cheeks! I think if I write about that, that will help with my processing.
I changed my profile picture on Facebook yesterday to this because it was Mother’s Day:

I like this picture of us because in it, my Dad is sitting in his chair at the dining room table and my Mom is standing next to him and both me and Sean are next to them. I am Mexican and I come from a family of huggers!!! I have also made Sean a hugger as well!
During this pandemic, I recall very vividly when he was called back to work and had to leave my bubble with my Mom and me. In order to keep me safe, he was moving in with my nephews as he began to work again. I remember hugging him very tightly and crying because once he left my house, I wasn’t sure when I would be able to hug him again!
We talked on the phone and FaceTimed constantly after he left. Or, as much as is acceptable for a young man to talk to his mother. It has been frequent enough to satisfy me. I remember crying when I got vaccinated because I was safe from dying and I was one step closer to hugging him again! I wasn’t sure when that day would come because this pandemic has been stretching on forever!
But today, at 1:36 p.m. I received a text. Actually, this text was sent to both my Mom and to me from Sean:

Sean received his second shot today which means in two weeks, I will be able to hug him again!!! I sent this text to him with tears screaming out of my eyes:

We will have to coordinate the day with his work schedule but as of May 24th, I will be able to hug him again! So these tears have been tears of joy and while writing this, I still am super overwhelmed and still continue to cry in anticipation of hugging him again!