
The day before yesterday, my Mom asked me if I was going to comb my hair that day and that made me laugh a whole lot! Her question made me laugh at first because she used to ask me that question when Sean was young. She asked me that same question the summer when we first moved into our first apartment.

When Sean was young, I would bathe him at night. I would comb his hair and then he would go to sleep. When he would wake up, his hair was crazy!!! I used to go to my Parent’s house on Saturday mornings for breakfast. My Dad wanted to see Sean because we were no longer living there. When we would get there, my Mom would ask me, “Did you comb this boy’s hair this morning?!

I would laugh and say, “I did not, because it looks so cute!” She would comb his hair before we ate breakfast at her house. I had Sean‘s hair cut short when he was four and began preschool.

So when she asked me this, I laughed because it has been about 16 years since she has asked me that regarding Sean but she has never asked Me that as an adult! But let me explain, back in the day, when I was still working, I would wake up at 4:30 every morning to get ready for work by getting in the shower first thing. I have not been in the habit of combing my hair before I take a shower.

But now, my hair only gets washed every other day. I am not in the habit of combing it on the off days. Today is an “Off” day as it was a couple days ago. When she asked me that on Wednesday, I combed my hair before I ate lunch. Today, I combed my hair after I washed my face.

With the stay at home orders and the pandemic, I grew my hair out and I was most uncomfortable while it grew! I would pull my hair into a knot right after getting out of bed because I couldn’t stand the hair on my neck! Now that I have cut my hair, it’s not a problem to have hair on my neck. As a result, I’m just not in the habit of coming my hair on the days that I do not wash it.

On the days I have to blow dry my hair and before I blow dry my hair, I comb it while it’s wet. So, I haven’t put much thought into combing my hair in years . But now, that it is short again it seems that I have to seriously think about that and do it!