#MyGirlL: Listless

Leia has been itching like crazy! The vet suggested that we bathe her twice a week. Even with all of those baths, she still was scratching like crazy! And she began to smell a little bit! When my mom called the vet, she put her back on some steroids so #MyGirlL is just listless these past few days:

We couldn’t figure out what was going on so my Mom spoke with someone at Chewy and her dog had the same problem so my Mom decided to change Leia’s food! My mom spoke with the vet and talked about the food change and she agreed that a, “Novel diet” is what Leia should try.

This is the food we are going to try but the best thing about it is that it is $60 less than her prescription food that she has been eating for the past year!

“You Think that I have NEVER had My Bruises Pressed?!”

My Mon noticed this a couple days ago but last night is the day I recounted a story to her from my memory banks so I figured that I would tell it again here even though I KNOW I have shared it but it must have been seven years ago by now!

I got my blood drawn after my dermatology appointment last Friday. I remember that I had a conversation with the tech because she had hair like Eve the rapper. We laughed about that. She had an hombre of bright red on her hair. I recounted that I would play a certain song when me and my girlfriends would pull up to a party and we both laughed because we knew what we were talking about.

My Mom noticed right away that I had a large bruise on my arm but I did that think to talk about it until today. This is what my bruise looks like right now:

The bruise has lessened in severity because I take a supplement called Rutin that helps with bruising daily.

last night when my Mom and I were getting ready to get me into my bed, I reminded her about the time she ran me into the door knob of my bathroom so I got a huge purple/black bruise on my left upper arm. It really hurt!

Then, I told her about my Barwis story with Phil. It was back when I was training with Adam at Barwis. Back then, I called him, “Phil” because that’s what I thought his name was and then it just stuck even when I found out his name was Adam. We were at the Kaiser machine and he was sitting on a stool facing me as I sat in my wheelchair. My arm was hurting and in passing I pulled my sleeve up to show him my bruise.

I told him about my mom running me into the door knob and how much it hurt and then he said, “Wait, let me see that again” to which I responded with an emphatic ’No’ and then I added, “You think that I have never had my bruise pressed before?! I have four older brothers!!!”

I remember that we both laughed when I told him that! Man, growing up with those four older brothers REALLY was difficult!!!

Rando Tune #30

I like waking up and clearing out my Facebook alerts and my emails as well as alerts on Twitter. I saw this one:

The song from Lit began playing in my head immediately and I was back in my senior year. I had seventh hour prep so I left school early because I had enough credits to graduate. I borrowed the CD from my friend, Dominic, and I played it on loop for probably a week!!!

I responded with this:

I love that I Got to listen to this song all day long!!!


I had a virtual appointment with my speech pathologist, Meira. It was good that I had an appointment because I am absolutely exhausted right now!!! As we talked, she let me know that right now, I am 100% intelligible. I explained to her how terribly exhausting it is and I am the person who used to have, “Talks too much” written in the comments on her report cards in grade school!!! She agreed that it is exhausting but that I am doing a good job. Now, I need to sit here and not speak for a while…

Back to Back Virtual Appointments

So I just completed my second virtual appointment. I had a virtual appointment yesterday with my speech pathologist and today I am met with a nutritionist! I thought that I could have back to back virtual appointment with no problem because I am not leaving my house but… That was not the case and I am going to crash hard tonight! Maybe I will explain myself better tomorrow…

A Slow Recovery

So, I had a virtual appointment with my speech pathologist on Tuesday and I had a virtual appointment with a nutritionist. I thought I could have two virtual appointments in a row because I did not leave my house at all so I didn’t think it would be a problem. Well, I was wrong!

I never thought that it would be difficult to speak and having an hour long conversation is quite difficult. I actually just had a half hour video visit but it was still quite difficult!

I was tired Tuesday night for sure! But then I got ready for Wednesday. I was extremely nervous about this appointment! My ability to chew has been increasingly diminishing. I knew that I was not getting all of the nutrients I needed so I knew it was imperative to speak with a nutritionist.

My Mom recently told me that she thinks that Meira sees a lot of patients who are dealing with worse issues then with what I am dealing with. She told me that I must be one of her ‘shining stars’ or some thing. I agree with her! Meira told me that she is very nitpicking with me because I only need to see her once a month now to make sure that my speech is Chris for in clear! I am grateful that I only need to see her once a month but it is exhausting! And on top of that exhaustion is the fact that I used to speak with such ease.

I had my appointment with Sara the nutritionist and she sees all of my information through Henry Ford. She actually saw how much I have weighed for a while. And she noticed when my weight loss started probably in about 2018. We talked about things I can do. I am switching to a smoothie diet because I cannot chew any longer.

My mom asked me today if that ability will come back and I told her that it would not. So, it’s a slow recovery from my back to back virtual appointments but I have to gear up for next Wednesday and Thursday for my haircut and doctor’s appointment. With both of those appointments completed, I can’t stop hearing this song in my head because all of this is so heavy!:

Ahead of the Game

So, I have changed my profile picture on both Facebook and Twitter four times but I just want you all to know that I wanted to actually wear the shirts I bought at the last T-Shirt party I went to hosted by my Facebook friend Jennifer Lavender-Shott. And here are the shirts I bought back in July I think:

I saw this shirt the previous party so I had to get that especially when the new one just came out!!!

I am not my son, Sean, the only person I know who looks good in orange but this is a Halloween color so…

I wasn’t even wearing my Contacts or even my glasses when my Mom took this picture!

I was bummed when I received this shirt from Jennifer‘s party last year but this shirt is so comfortable that it didn’t really matter that I couldn’t read it but I still rocked it anyway! Now I can add these three new shirts to my three old shirts from my Facebook friends to my illegible one that is still so comfortable!!!

I still have MORE than two weeks of movie watching but I am ahead of the game that I have already broken in my new shirts!

***By the way, my Mom is an EXCELLENT photographer! She ALWAYS makes me laugh!!!

Oh, How Times Have Changed…

I think it was a couple years ago when Sean was here when I was taking my contacts out. I was having difficulty just like I had just now.

It was a simple statement of how things used to be and it kind of give me a tinge of sadness. It was just an offhanded comment. He told me that he remembers when I would use my nails to pop my contacts out of my eyeball.

I did used to do that! In our apartments! When I was young, I used to buy my nails but then I stopped when I was about 12 because I wanted to polish my nails. I am blessed with good genes for nail growing. Everything else, not so much but my nails used to grow pretty long! I would just let them grow until one broke and then I would cut all of my nails down to the nub and start over.

When Sean made that comment that really meant nothing but for me, I used to do that and now things are so different! I keep my nails cut down to the nub all of the time now! I get my nails cut every other Monday unless it gets difficult to take my contacts out, in that case, I will have my Mom cut my nails earlier.

I thought about Sean‘s random comment today, this evening, when I was having difficulty removing my contacts. They are out now so I can write a blog post. Oh, how the times have changed… This all is really big and a little bit scary!!!

Barometric Pressure

Last night, I thought about when I bought my house and how my light switches had to be switched out. I was going to write a whole long story about the reasons for changing out my light switches but it’s raining today and it is cold! The barometric pressure is no joke!

I hope that I will remember what I was going to write about soon because this pressure is horrible!!! My body feels awful!!! As I said watching Hocus Pocus, I had to just groan multiple times because the feeling in my body was and is too much to handle!!!

I especially do not like it because tomorrow it’s ‘go time!’ I will crash on Thursday night but may be all right about it by the weekend…