A Slow Recovery

So, I had a virtual appointment with my speech pathologist on Tuesday and I had a virtual appointment with a nutritionist. I thought I could have two virtual appointments in a row because I did not leave my house at all so I didn’t think it would be a problem. Well, I was wrong!

I never thought that it would be difficult to speak and having an hour long conversation is quite difficult. I actually just had a half hour video visit but it was still quite difficult!

I was tired Tuesday night for sure! But then I got ready for Wednesday. I was extremely nervous about this appointment! My ability to chew has been increasingly diminishing. I knew that I was not getting all of the nutrients I needed so I knew it was imperative to speak with a nutritionist.

My Mom recently told me that she thinks that Meira sees a lot of patients who are dealing with worse issues then with what I am dealing with. She told me that I must be one of her ‘shining stars’ or some thing. I agree with her! Meira told me that she is very nitpicking with me because I only need to see her once a month now to make sure that my speech is Chris for in clear! I am grateful that I only need to see her once a month but it is exhausting! And on top of that exhaustion is the fact that I used to speak with such ease.

I had my appointment with Sara the nutritionist and she sees all of my information through Henry Ford. She actually saw how much I have weighed for a while. And she noticed when my weight loss started probably in about 2018. We talked about things I can do. I am switching to a smoothie diet because I cannot chew any longer.

My mom asked me today if that ability will come back and I told her that it would not. So, it’s a slow recovery from my back to back virtual appointments but I have to gear up for next Wednesday and Thursday for my haircut and doctor’s appointment. With both of those appointments completed, I can’t stop hearing this song in my head because all of this is so heavy!: