Daily Challenges

My phone died on August 30. September starts a new round of daily challenges for my Word Connect game. I had missed out on some challenges once I got my phone up and running:

I thought I could get in finished in one day but then I had a snack on September 3 so I had to wait until today to handle my business!:

all of those grayed out stars were too much for me! I’m glad that they are all gone now!

My FAVORITE Declaration of Love!

I was reminded of my favorite declaration of love that I have ever received! Now, I am 40 years old and I have heard that from guys that have been fleeting, my child first acquiring language, and my Dad, a few days before he died.,,

But I was reminded of my ultimate, favorite declaration of love yesterday and let me set the scene of what was happening yesterday:

My right contact moved in my eye and my Mom started to freak out! I removed my glasses and closed my eyes. I just slowly rubbed the top of my eyelid to kind of push on my eyeball. It definitely did not feel good at all but I have been wearing contacts since I was 12 years old. I just needed to be patient. I finally was able to get it out of the right side of my eyeball. I took it out and we put more solution in my hand to put it back in.

After I put my contacts back in and put my glasses back on, I told my Mom the story that made me laugh hysterically and smile because I love my cousinT!

I remember that it was summer time and my right contact had moved in my eye. I think we both were young women and I think Sean may have been napping but I sat on the hallway floor and used the hallway door mirror to try to locate my contact. I couldn’t do it so I asked my cousin to move my contact if she can see it so I will be able to grab it.

She agreed and sat down on the hallway floor with me. I held my eye open and I saw her shake her hands and say, “Oh Jennifer, I love you! I love you! I love you!” and then she touched my eyeball to move my contact to a place where I could grab it out of my own eye.

Thinking about it today as I write this makes me smile!!!

The End of Summer

I am no longer part of the workforce and time it’s kind of irrelevant to me now. But, this unexpectedly happened yesterday:

For me, now, this signifies the end of summer! The next chapstick I use will be vanilla bean because I know that I will finish this Chapstick before October 1 which is when I start pumpkin spice…

I have such important developments and decisions in my life now!!! 😂😂😂

Sean’s Core Memories Volume 1

Sean said something to me a few days ago that really impacted me! He was just sharing one of his core memories from our second apartment with me. When he told that to me, I kind of felt a sense of pride and like, ”I did that!” But then it got me thinking that I should chronicle these things before I forget because what he told me a few days ago, I kind of forgot until you told me. I have been pretty forgetful these days but he’s been startling me lately!

The first time I was startled was probably in the late fall of 2018. He was still in high school. I had just had him bring the Christmas decorations up from the basement. We were passing each other in the small hallway and he casually told me that it was a good move to collect the ornaments every year like I did!

I think I was just making my way into the laundry room when I stopped because that statement completely astounded me! I told him that I knew what I was doing but I didn’t think that he noticed that I was making memories with our new ornaments each year!

Maybe a couple months ago or just a couple weeks but Sean said to me, again, very casually, “I don’t think that I could wake up at 4:30 in the morning every day to be at work at 7:30 for as long as you did!”

This was another instance that stopped me in my tracks! I just was doing what I had to do! But I think what he said to me just a few days ago really took the cake!

I am not sure what prompted this conversation but he told me that he has a core memory of me placing his site word cards on the multicolor carpet that we had in our living room. We actually had it in our house as well but we lost it when my water heater started to leak!

I think that I would sacrifice the carpet again to save everything else that’s in my basement which is what it did when my water heater leaked, which prompted my brother Ray and Sean to install a new one.

I guess that I have always been a teacher! What helped was that while we lived in our second apartment, I was going to school to get my masters degree. That degree was in education and came with a Reading Specialist endorsement so when I was at class, I was learning all of new, innovated, and effective ways to teach a child to read which is what I did. That fact kind of befuddles me today, I think.

A Rationed Pillage

I thrive on routines and schedules. I have figured out my monthly vitamin and supplement usage. It all falls nicely into a routine. When I get paid, I order my vitamins and supplements.

But having two five week months in a row does not fit into that routine nicely. So, this week, I conducted a rationed pillage because I won’t be able to order more vitamins until Wednesday when I get paid. But the next time I pillage, all will be right in the world!

A Bit Premature

It’s not quite fall yet but I think my posts are a bit premature because I recently followed this on Facebook:

It was just going to be a single share but then I saw this tweet today and I think it’s official, my summer Chapstick is almost gone and then it’s going to be Hocus Pocus two right before my marathon watching of Hocus Pocus!

But then my Facebook friends post replies OK like this to my post;

I posted this because it was Halloween time at Target:

and I get this reply:

Rando Tune #28

I am sitting at my table in our first apartment while the maintenance guy is fixing something in the utility closet just off the kitchen, right across from the washer and dryer. I was fairly new to the complex at that point but I will never forget the ease with which he sang the refrain from this song what kind of a country twang to it but it sounded pleasing:


It was an anti-climactic changing of the guard, changing of the seasons. I finished my cucumber mint Chapstick halfway through the day and I couldn’t take the scrape on my lips so I moved over to vanilla bean.

So, it’s fall now according to my lips and tomorrow I get my haircut and on Thursday I have a PCP appointment and we will discuss my nutrition. I am a little concerned meeting a new doctor because I don’t know how much experience she has with working with someone with multiple sclerosis.

I can feel myself getting a little bit anxious but it’s “Go-Time” for this month now!


My Mom took Leia out this morning for a little walk and for her to do her business. When she came inside the house, she said that it felt, “Muggy!”

Well, that stinks! It’s stinks for a couple of reasons. The first reason is that today starts my ‘2fer’ because I just got paid. I am getting my haircut and eyebrows waxed at 5:30 pm today. I am hoping it may cool down by then because right now, I am sitting in my house in the air-conditioning kind of uncomfortable!

The reason I am uncomfortable is because of all of the rain we received last night and this morning as residual from Fiona. So that is the second reason. I can’t get comfortable! I have my arms pulled into my sweatshirt and I’m sort of hugging myself for comfort because inside my body is a HUGE MESS!!! Not to mention that tomorrow, I am going to see my new PCP and we will talk about my nutrition because chewing is way too difficult for me now!