My Mom took Leia out this morning for a little walk and for her to do her business. When she came inside the house, she said that it felt, “Muggy!”

Well, that stinks! It’s stinks for a couple of reasons. The first reason is that today starts my ‘2fer’ because I just got paid. I am getting my haircut and eyebrows waxed at 5:30 pm today. I am hoping it may cool down by then because right now, I am sitting in my house in the air-conditioning kind of uncomfortable!

The reason I am uncomfortable is because of all of the rain we received last night and this morning as residual from Fiona. So that is the second reason. I can’t get comfortable! I have my arms pulled into my sweatshirt and I’m sort of hugging myself for comfort because inside my body is a HUGE MESS!!! Not to mention that tomorrow, I am going to see my new PCP and we will talk about my nutrition because chewing is way too difficult for me now!