At Least One Thing!

I have written before that the government is good at providing wound care supplies, I give them an A+ but after speaking with health and human services yesterday, I fear that grade is going to be drastically lowered!

With all of the hours we spent on the phone, and it’s a ‘we’ because speaking is difficult for me in the a.m. and when I first wake up. We had to call earlier than I am able to freely speak. After she explained that I am not poor enough, she told me all the hoops I need to jump through to get my appointments and everything covered. It was a mess! I AM disabled!?! Hoop jumping is not my thing but in this regard, I think that it has to be.

My Mom got the van today for my haircut today and MRI tomorrow and she was calling places to have them send me my medical bills. She called the wound care clinic for the visiting nurses and we were told that Medicare pays for wound care home visits 100%!

I was completely shocked at hearing this but I don’t need to submit invoices for the wound care I am receiving because I am not being billed. That is really great! At least one thing! So I think that I will have to get the government a ‘C’ overall and that is completely due to the wound care apparatus of the health system! My feet are still killing me by the way and Sonya is coming on Monday.


I called my best friend today because she totally gets me and I haven’t talked to her in a little bit. I explained to her that I am ‘edgy’ and I am not sure why. I then told her about my vision and we talked about that. I told her that I was okay with losing my ability to walk and some other abilities as well. I seem to be getting along.

But in this 21st year, my speech is becoming more difficult to understand and to force the words out of my mouth, I can’t chew food, and my vision is going. She was completely understanding and she is the person I needed to talk to today!

She emphasized and explained that your speech and your vision are to very important things! And that’s it. That’s why I am ‘edgy.’ My Speech Pathologist, (who I am meeting with virtually next week) told me when I met her that she will be evaluating me and it will just come across as conversation.

I told Ami that she was really helping me because I was completely comfortable with her and that’s 20 years of friendship there! I could feel my mouth muscles loosening up so it wasn’t so difficult to speak and I thanked ther for that! I cried a little bit and I think that helped. In our conversation, we talked about my vision and I thought about a good description. I see only in SD and I have been seeing an HD since I first got my glasses 33 years ago when I was seven:

When we got off the phone because we ( my Mom and me) had to get our haircut, I explained this to my Mom and she didn’t understand HD v SD and then I showed her a couple pictures:

I get the gist of what I am looking at and that is probably why I watch movies multiple times to pick up on what I may have missed out on. The comparison pictures I showed to my mom made her sad. It’s been making me sad for the past month and so, I have been ‘edgy.’

Purple Hearts

So, my nephews’ mom messaged me Sunday and told me about a new movie on Netflix. She told me that I have to watch it because the guy in it looks like Sean! So that was the movie my mom and I watched that night:

As the movie started, I could see that he looked similar to my son but he did not look like him! I should know because I am his mother! But then, as the movie went on, he made faces that Sean makes and he has the same lips as Sean and I know because Sean has my lips.

i messaged Erica back and said that I agree that he does it look like Sean and she told me that her and her daughter watched it twice. So I watched it Monday night as well. He told me that she asked her daughter who he looks like and immediately she said, “Sean.”

I did not watch it today because I got my haircut and eyebrows waxed instead so I was too tired to watch TV when I got home. As I am reading this now in the early hours of the morning, I may or may not have downloaded the Purple Heart soundtrack on my Apple Music playlists…

I think this is a good transition from my teenybopper movies now then I’m 40 years old. I’m really digging the music as well! I can’t decide which song I like the best so I will just put a couple of my faves here:

I like the stripped version of these songs and it makes me feel not as teenybopper. It sounds more mature. There will be a third showing in the future but not tonight because I have an MRI scheduled.

Success! OR Crash

I just got home from my MRI and I ate my dinner and I am starting to crash now. This was a success but I am exhausted!

I will not leave my house again until next month for another haircut and an appointment with a new primary care doctor. I put Purple Hearts on but I thought of this song as I begin to crash. I was in high school:


Okay, I am exhausted and my Mom is resting before I get ready for bed. Purple Hearts is over now and I took my contacts out already. I got on Facebook and I saw that a Facebook friend posted this which made me laugh hysterically!:

My son is about to be 21 and as a teacher, I would never homeschool because I was working when he was supposed to be learning. But when I read that meme, I laughed because probably a month ago, Sean was talking to my Mom and me on the phone and he said that he didn’t know that ‘beef’ was slang and frowned upon when you were speaking with customers. He is working with an irrigation company.

My Mom was holding the phone and we were on speaker and after he told that to us, I said, “What’s beef? Beef is when you need to gats to go to sleep.”

I just said that in passing because I was in high school when that song came out and Sean stopped talking and said that, “I never thought the day would come when he would hear me “Biggie Smalls! “I started to laugh and was reminded of one I was puzzlin’ at home when he came home from school and I was jammin’ to some Bob Marley and singing it as loud as I could! He knew that I knew the words and he was blown away that I did!

I told him that Bob Marley is even before my generation so it’s crazy that he knows it! We both are both know why he knows it and I knew it but I love it today still!!! He’s classic for sure!!!


The wound care nurse came over for her last visit today. She discharged us because my sores are on the mend. It has been four days since my MRI and bouncing back is taking a lot longer then I anticipated! I didn’t even put my contacts in today either! As I sat in my chair taking my vitamins, all I could do was groan. Is this my new normal?!

My MRI Uniform

On the 18th, I was going to wear one of my sweatshirts but we discovered that there are metal grommets in it and then I remembered that I have an MRI uniform!

When I went for an MRI in 2021, I was wearing my Michigan sweatshirt. A woman was coming in the opposite direction and she asked, “Football or basketball?” To which I responded with a smile, “Both.” I thought of that exchange as I was going to put on a different sweatshirt. There is no metal in the sweatshirt I wore, I chose the sweatshirt I wore last year.

I’m Still Blinking!

Well, 21 years of MS ain’t no joke! It’s really hitting me with all it has right now and my head is reeling a bit. I watched a movie with my Mom not too long ago that I had seen 1 million times in my childhood and it’s resonating with me now:

It will take me a moment but I will ‘grab my guts’ and deal with it as I have for the past 20 years but you’re 21 is giving me a run for my money!!!